Thursday, December 12, 2019

Blog #36

Jason Chen P1
Modern Myth 2020
The Book of Revelation

    In today’s class, we received a lesson from Mr. Misciagna on the Book of Revelation, breaking down the symbols and repetition in the book. The Book of Revelation was written by John the Apostle, the last living apostle. He wrote the book. The book was broken up into three sections described as “things which thou hast seen”, “things which are”, and “things which shall be hereafter”. These sections break up the book into the past, present, and the future.
    First, we were asked to name some of the things we read in the book, and then we dove into the symbols patterns that we saw with all the different items we listed. For example some of the patterns we saw were the number 7, the antichrist, destruction, and the four viewpoints. By looking at all the symbols on continues we begin to understand that the book of revelation is the same story, but told from 4 different points of views. The main timeline of the Book of Revelation can be broken down to Recompense, Ruin, Return, Righteousness, Restoration, and Rejoicing. 
Student Reflection:
Not having any previous experiences with the Book of Revelations, my eyes were opened up to how symbolize and repetition can come together to create a coherent story and theme. But at the Book of Revelations maintains an element of open endedness to the point where any reader can have their own interpretation of the meanings behind the symbolism. My interpretation of the cycle of Recompense, Ruin, Return, Righteousness, Restoration, and Rejoicing is that humanity will never be stagnant but instead between an equilibrium of chaos and order in the cycle of purging the world of the “Ruin” and “Return”. Although this is how I may view it I learned today that anyone can interpret the Book of Revelations anyway they want and their takeaway is personalized to their views.

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