Thursday, March 11, 2021

Blogger 11 Tempestt Deschamps Period 7 Day C

     In today’s lesson (3-5-2021) we learned about the differences between connotative and denotative meaning. In short, connotative meanings are the implied meanings of words, or the figurative meanings, while denotative meanings are the literal textbook definitions of the words. We used the short story “Marigolds'' to help with our understanding of the differences between connotation and denotation. Personally, I did not find it very difficult to understand, as I just made a connection between connotation/denotation definitions and figurative/literal meanings.

    We also used the short story/excerpt “Speak” to help us understand the differences in meaning and how it affects tone. We also answered questions to show our understanding on how, though words may have the same denotative meaning, their connotative meanings could be radically different and change the tone of the paragraph (and in some extreme cases, the whole text). 

    Overall, over the course of the class, I was able to come to a better understanding of how to shift the tone quickly or in stages, by using words with different connotations.

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