Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Blogger 33 Natalie Zheng Period 7 5/25/2021 Day C

 17  RL SP Odyssey: Odysseus' Revenge (Bk 22)

Aim: How does Odysseus establish his authority as an epic hero in the episode of "The Challenge" and "Odysseus‘ Revenge”?


The Ancient Greeks viewed revenge as a form of social justice. They believed that if a horrid wrongdoing was done upon them, they had the right to return the favor; in whatever means they found just. The Greek values greatly resembled the Hammurabi Code of Law for Justice: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” mentality, meaning that whatever crime the perpetrator committed, the punishment brought upon him should be equal or fitting of the crime.

  1. How does this compare to the way our society views revenge today?

  2. How does it compare to the way that you view revenge?

We started off our lesson with our discussion of the question mentioned above. Most of us agreed that compared to the way we viewed revenge today, the Ancient Greeks were too cruel. As nowadays taking revenge is usually frowned upon and it would be a better idea to talk it out peacefully instead of engaging in revenge. This compares to the way I view revenge because taking revenge would be tempting but it would definitely be a very bad decision to make. 

Some specific responses from my peers-

  • Oscar said that compared to our views on revenge today the Ancient Greek were too harsh. If you take revenge today it wouldn’t be very good cause it could be considered doing the same thing as the person.

  • Raymond said that modern society sees revenge completely differently because the ancient Greeks viewed it as an eye for an eye. People nowadays look for forgiveness. 

  • Joanne said that nowadays we are taught to forgive people and not go the aggressive way. I view revenge as something nice and tempting but not a good idea. 

  • Mohammed R said that revenge is frowned upon and you should just talk it out and bring someone else. Personally, revenge is something nice that is tempting but isn’t the best idea. 

Words to Know

  • implacable (adj): unrelenting, stubborn; impossible to calm or appease. 

  • quiver (n): a portable case for holding arrows

  • entrails (n –pl): internal organs, the intestines; within

Reading that we were supposed to read before the lesson as mentioned below.

“The Challenge” [2 pages]


“Odysseus’ Revenge” [4 pages]


“But the man skilled in all ways of contending, satisfied by the great bow’s look and heft, like a musician, like a harper, when he draws with quiet hand upon his instrument he draws between his thumb and forefinger  a sweet new string upon a peg; so effortlessly Odysseus in one motion strung the bow. Then slid his right hand down the cord and plucked it, so the taut gut vibrating hummed and sang a swallows note” (Homer 1370-1379).

  1. What  epic simile is created in the lines above, from “The Challenge”? Explain the comparison.

  1. Which of Odysseus’ qualities are being highlighted here?

  1. How is Homer presenting Odysseus to the audience ?

The class discussed that comparison being made is between Odysseus and a musician. This is because the way he attached the string to the bow was effortless like someone playing the harp as both looked graceful. Homer is presenting Odysseus as someone who’s skilled is comparable to a musician as both are graceful.

After the class discussion we watched a video about his revenge.

Acting The Odyssey 1997 (Odysseus’ Revenge) [9:18]

Odysseus’ Revenge in Art

Analyze both paintings depicting Odysseus killing the suitors.  Do you believe the artists accurately depicted Odysseus’ attack on the suitors?  Would you evaluate this to be a “fair” fight-- why or why not?

The class was divided as some thought it was a fair fight while some other thought that it clearly wasn’t. I thought it wasn’t a fair fight as one side was armed while the other wasn’t. It was more like a one sided fight as the suitors weren’t able to do much other than watch each other die slowly. 

Some specific responses from my peers-

  • Bernice said that the artist depicted them well and it was a fair fight. Odyessus won many fights and both sides had weapons.

  • Joanne said that the artist is a little biased because Odysseus is there killing everyone and it isn’t a fair fight as the others didn't have any weapons.

  • Eric said it wasn’t a fair fight because Telemachus was also there and nailed some of the suitors. Also that it was a one sided fight. 

  • Wilson said that it wasn’t a fair fight and his action was rash as there could have been a revolution led by the suitors’ family. This could have been one of Odysseus' mistakes.

Then we were assigned into our breakout rooms to discuss and work together to answer the question listed below. 


  1. Why does Odysseus invoke Apollo in line 1411?

Odysseus invoked Apollo as he was the god of archery. He was against many people so he prayed to Apollo to be on his side.

  1. In the episode of “Odysseus’ Revenge,” who is the first to die? Describe the immediate reaction of the suitors to this initial killing.

Antinous died first as he was like the one in charge and led the other suitors to take Odysseus’ wife. The immediate reaction of the suitors was that they were angry and outraged. 

  1. What argument does Eurymachus use to try to persuade Odysseus to spare him and the others?

Eurymachus blames everything on Antinous and says they will make restitution of wine and meat used and a tithe of twenty oxen with the gift of bronze and gold. He tries to trivialize everything they have done. 

  1. What three crimes to the Suitors does Odysseus mention when he begins the slaughter (lines 1438-1444)?

Odyessus mentioned that they ignored the power of the god, trampled his home and tried to steal his wife. 

  1. Why do you believe Odysseus denies Eurymachus’ request to provide restitution for all they have consumed, and then some (lines 1467-1473)?

Odyessus most likely denied his request because all the things they were offering were materialist and is nothing compared to all the stress and trauma they have afflicted on to his family. 

  1. List at least two images/examples of figurative language that help you picture some of the most tense or most horrifying moments in the battle. Include the line references!

  1. “Backward and down he went, letting the wine cup fall from his shocked hand. Likes pipes his nostrils jetted crimson runnels, a river of mortal red, and one last kick upset his table knocking the bread and meat to soak in dusty blood.” (Lines 1421-1425)

  2. But the kingly man let fly an arrow at that instant, and the quivering feathered butt sprang to the nipple of his breast as the barb stuck in his liver. The bright broadsword clanged down. He lurched and fell aside, pitching across his table. His cup, his breast and meat, were split and scattered far and wide, and his head slammed on the ground.” (Lines 1486- 1412)

7. Odysseus is described as “implacable” in the revenge episode. Is he justified in killing all of the suitors? Why or why not?

Odyessus wasn’t justified in killing as it was way too harsh. Killing Antinous might have been justified as he was the ringleader but all the suitors didn’t deserve to die. Instead Odysseus could have given another punishment. 


What Is Justice?: Crash Course Philosophy #40 [10:15]

Is Revenge More Bitter Than Sweet? [4:01]

The Odyssey by Homer | Books 17-18 Summary and Analysis [2:58]

The Odyssey by Homer | Books 19-20 Summary [3:04]and Analysis 

The Odyssey by Homer | Book 21 Summary and Analysis [2:21]

The Odyssey by Homer | Book 22 Summary and Analysis [1:58] 

18 RL SP Odyssey: Penelope's Test

Aim: How does Penelope’s test for Odysseus establish their fidelity toward each other while finally providing closure for Odysseus and his journey?


Do To arrive where you are, to get from where you are not,

You must go by a way wherein there is no ecstasy.

In order to arrive at what you do not know

You must go by a way which is the way of ignorance.

In order to possess what you do not possess

You must go by the way of dispossession.

In order to arrive at what you are not

You must go through the way in which you are not.

—T. S. Eliot, “East Coker III” (From Four Quartets)

As always, read the above poem twice. Note any & all poetic devices that catch your eye and try to interpret Eliot’s perspective on the concept of “journey.”

In a journey you experience and overcome many foreign and unknown obstacles that help you grow. In order to get to where you are at you have to start at the beginning and learn and grow along the way. Eliot’s perspective on the concept of “journey” is that in order to be at where you are at you have to delve into the unknown and learn through the experience and mistakes you make along the way. 


From these two lessons I learned two important concepts that were key points in the Odyssey; revenge and fidelity. Concepts that aren’t really touched upon or rather not really acknowledged in my life. I learned that the revenge viewed today is very different from ancient societies like Ancient Greece. How the same concept/idea can be perceived differently depending on the time period. In Ancient Greece, revenge is viewed as something that was a form of social justice. It was considered right or moral to inflict the favor back as the saying an “eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” This however is very different from our modern society, as revenge is frowned upon. Rather it makes you the same as the person who inflicted wrongdoing to you. In modern society the right thing to do would be to seek forgiveness as it is more mature. I learned that fidelity is a faithfulness to a person that is demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support. This is displayed in the Odyssey as Odysseus’s faithfulness to his wife even after all the years he was gone. The true example of this was when Penelope realizes that stranger is actually Odysseus and their reunion after so many years. Despite all the things that came in between them in the end they were reunited again. All the things we learned today were good lessons about morals that I can later apply later in my life. I will know that taking revenge is never the right thing to do and that seeking forgiveness is the right decision to make. Showing fidelity to my friends and family by trusting them and supporting them. Overall this lesson was one really worth learning as it taught us something important about values and morals. 

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