Monday, November 11, 2019

How do the Greek Gods act like humanity? Post #25

Blog #25                                                                                         11/11/19
Junhong Li                                                                                         Period 1

Today we discussed how the gods in Greek mythology were similar to humans in class. 
We discussed some traits which these immortals share with us mortals. We talked about how the gods are jealous and they quarrel with each other. The gods are not all-powerful, they are subject to the fates as well as Cupid's arrow. The gods are very arrogant but they punish humans for their hubris. They have no empathy and are very selfish, they very often act on instinct and interfere with people's lives without consideration.

Some examples include: 
Hades and Demeter, who both love Persephone
The competition between Arachne and Athena (Minerva)
Hera, her marriage to Zeus, and her many punishments to Zeus's lovers
Zeus and his transformations and tricks to seduce women

Some other things which were mentioned:
Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
The existence of the Olympic Sports and Hyacinthus's death due to Apollo.
Pandora, although not a god, and her curiosity which gave humanity suffering and hope.
Rhoecus, although not a god, hurts a bee due to ignorance and gets blinded for life.
We then moved on to present 2 stories of our choice to the class. We took whiteboards and drew these stories out, but ran out of time in the end.

We did not reach the last slide.

Some additional notes:
Ms. Peterson will be absent on Wednesday the 13th.
There will be a test on Thursday the 14th. It will be an accumulative test on all that we have learned so far.

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