Monday, November 25, 2019

Modern Mythology 2020

James Pannone
Ms. Peterson
Blog #30

Aim: How does the irony contribute to the state of catharsis in tragedies?

Do Later: Read the poem ”Pride” by Dahlia Ravikovitch. Rename the poem. Rocks?

Turn and Talk: What is the role of irony in this poem? Share. The irony I found in the poem is that these rocks can survive millions of years, yet they are fragile. A rock can stay intact for all that time, however, the tiniest seal can pass by that same rock and shatter it. Rocks are known for their strength and durability, but they can break on the inside, much like humans. The role of the irony is to help portray the rocks are like people. Our hard exterior masked by our pride, doesn’t show how we can be falling apart inside. And no one will see that, until the person breaks.

Ethical Motivation- Motivated by morals and ethics; the sense of right and wrong
Pathetic Motivation- Motivated by passion, overwhelming motion. 

Whole Group Discussion- Which motivation seems to drive Oedipus’ desire to find Laius’ murderer. His motivation seems to be an ethical one. He is trying to find the murderer because he believes it is the right thing to do. However, his impulsivity, is driven by pathetic motivation. As he thinks too fast, he curses himself in his passion.

Hi Oedipus, may I take your order? Layers of irony, topped off with a dash of hubris, please.

Review Lines 216-275
What is obviously ironic about Oedipus’ monologue? What creeping irony Lai-with-us?

216 marks the beginning of scene 1. The whole monologue is about cursing out the murderer, and stating he will have a deadly fate. He wishes just a miserable life upon the murderer. The irony is that he is the murderer the whole time. He said I fight for myself as if my father. The irony here is that is actually is his father who died and he who killed him. 

With your team make a chart of ironies unfolding or about to unfold in the play.

  1. Oedipus saves Thebes from a plague by solving the Sphinx’s riddle
  2. He is cursing the murderer 
  3. The plague is from killing the king

Isn’t It Ironic
  1. The irony is that he then caused another plague by being the murderer. 
  2. He is the murderer
  3. In order to stop it they must kill the king

Reflection: The importance of todays lesson was to portray the effectiveness of irony. We learned how back in Greek times, irony was used for many reasons. And it was not only useful and affective back then, we also learned how it is still used and loved in writings today. To reflect on the lesson and answer the aim, “how does the irony contribute to the state of catharsis in tragedies,” irony helps build the plot. To be more exact, dramatic irony, but other ironies play the same role. Catharsis is the process of releasing stress. And when we know something that the characters don’t it could be stressful. This however will be relieved at the end, when the dramatic irony goes away, to reveal the characters actions. Today we really learned in detail irony in Oedipus. The chart above, is the best sum of the lesson. 

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