Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Blogger # 2 - Ayad Alghaithi - Period 7 - 2/22/2021 - Day C

 Aim: How can an exploration of writers’ choices, and the literary devices used, introduce us to the concept of “voice” as it’s used in writing? 

At the beginning of the lesson, we did a quick write where the class would take 5 minutes to write a paragraph where they would describe what comes to mind when they think of pizza, For example, what I was able to write in the 5 minutes was, “Pizza is a food that reminds me of home and of when I was a kid. Pizza is hot and cheesy, when eating a pizza it was always hard to eat as the melted cheese turn into stings. Pizza is an easy meal when u looking for something to eat.” After the 5 minutes were done and the class finished writing their paragraph we were told that we will come back to our paragraph at the end of class.

We then moved on to spirit reading, where the student can unmute when they would like to read. Students unmuted their mics and did spirit reads of the following definitions of diction, syntax, imagery, and tone. After reading the meaning of the words and reviewing them, The class then moved on to the next part of the lesson which was the Class Discussion, where the class would apply what we just learned about diction, syntax, imagery, and tone to the aim of the lesson. We explored the first example as a class, as a class we read speaker 1

Speaker 1:

"Eating pizza is rather like embarking on a transcontinental excursion. You embark on the journey without being quite certain of what you will encounter. A well-made pizza contains the aromatic essence of fresh basil, oregano, and garlic that beckons invitingly. Once you bite into a perfectly sliced piece of pizza, your taste buds awaken and celebrate. When properly prepared, pizza is an extraordinary culinary creation."

The class filled out the following chart together 

As a class, we inferred that the speaker was an expert at the topic and maybe someone who is a chef or has experience with pizza. After we made an inference of the speaker we moved on to fill out the rest of the chart, diction- the speaker speaks in a formal voice. Syntax- Long and complex sentences. Imagery- Used sensory details and was descriptive. Tone- had a good perspective on pizza.

After getting an understanding of how to determine the diction, syntax, imagery, and tone of a speaker we then moved to breakout rooms to complete the chart for speakers 2, 3, and 4.

Speaker 2: 

It’s yummy. I like it when the cheese is really gooey. My mom makes it for dinner on the weekends. When it’s too hot, I have to wait for it to cool. Mom says if I don’t wait I will burn my tongue. I like the way pizza smells. When I smell pizza cooking it always makes me want to eat it right up!

Speaker 3: 

As long as not one speck of gross disgusting animal flesh comes anywhere near my pizza, I can eat it. I prefer pizza with mushrooms, tomatoes, and spinach. Goat cheese is especially nice too. A thin whole-wheat crust topped with imported cheese and organic vegetables makes a satisfying meal.

Speaker 4:

Pizza is, like, one of the basic food groups, right? I mean, dude, who doesn’t eat pizza? Me and my friends order it like every day. We usually get pepperoni, and it’s great when they are, like, covering the whole top! Dude, hot steamy pizza dripping with cheese and loaded with pepperoni is awesome.

As a breakout room, the students in the breakout room were to work with each other to complete the chart as we did with chart 1, the students had to read the speakers and collectively determine diction, syntax, imagery, and tone of a speaker, the students also had to find evidence in the text that supported their evaluation of the speaker. For example in speaker 2, we determined that the diction of the speaker was informal based on the diction that they used. We also cited evidence such as “It’s yummy” to prove that the voice of the speaker was informal. The groups in the breakout rooms were to do this for the rest of the sections for each speaker. After the breakout rooms, we went back to the main session where the class shared the work that their group had done.

Overall in this lesson, we learned about the writer’s choice and about the writer’s voice by exploring diction, syntax, imagery, and tone, we also had a chance to learn how to work in groups and together at the same time in a limited time.

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