Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Blogger #3 - Ivan Chen - Period 9 - 2/22/21 - Day C

 Blogger#3-Ivan Chen Class Pd9 

2/22/21   Cycle-C

Aim: How can an exploration of writers’ choices, and the literary devices used, introduce us to the concept of “voice” as it’s used in writing? 

Do Now

Our first task for this lesson is to write about  pizza and what comes to mind and our attitudes towards it.This was to help develop the idea that every writer has different opinions about things and that every writer has their own personal and unique “voice” and we are able to figure out what their “voice” is and what kind of a person the author is,by analyzing their Diction,Syntax,Imagery and Tone,which are the elements of style

Elements of Style

-Diction is the author’s use of their vocabulary and syntax.

      -Syntax is the formation of words the author uses to create sentences.

-Imagery is the language used,whether literal or figurative,to create something a                  

the reader can actually visualize.

-Tone is the attitude an author has towards a certain subject.

Class Discussion

After learning about what Diction,Syntax,Imagery and Tone were, our skills were put to the test.We were to analyze a piece of writing and make inferences based on elements of style.

Speaker 1:

"Eating pizza is rather like embarking on a transcontinental excursion. You embark on the journey without being quite certain of what you will encounter. A well-made pizza contains the aromatic essence of fresh basil, oregano, and garlic that beckons invitingly. Once you bite into a perfectly sliced piece of pizza, your taste buds awaken and celebrate. When properly prepared, pizza is an extraordinary culinary creation."

As a class,we inferred that the speaker is an older,more mature person,who is involved in the culinary world.The speaker’s diction was very formal,lacking any slang in their style of writing/talking.Their Syntax is long and complex having a large vocabulary.They used detailed imagery that creates a vivid image in our minds.And the speaker has a positive attitude towards the subject.

TeamWork/Group Discussion

After completing the class Discussions,we were put into our group and were tasked to 

analyze 3 other speaker’s and their “Voices” on the subject.

Speaker 2: 

It’s yummy. I like it when the cheese is really gooey. My mom makes it for dinner on the weekends. When it’s too hot, I have to wait for it to cool. Mom says if I don’t wait I will burn my tongue. I like the way pizza smells. When I smell pizza cooking it always makes me want to eat it right up!

We inferred that the Speaker is most likely a young person,because their diction was informal and their syntax was short and simple.Despite being a child,the speaker is still able to deploy Imagery,though a lot less nuanced and detailed as speaker 1,the imagery used still is able to “come to contact” with our 5 senses,such as”cheese is really gooey”.And their tone was liking Pizza.

Speaker 3: 

As long as not one speck of gross disgusting animal flesh comes anywhere near my pizza, I can eat it. I prefer pizza with mushrooms, tomatoes, and spinach. Goat cheese is especially nice too. A thin whole-wheat crust topped with imported cheese and organic vegetables makes a satisfying meal.

We initially inferred that Speaker 3 was a vegan,but that was proven to be wrong when during the class discussion after the group discussions were over,Chris points out that Vegans don’t actually eat Goat Cheese or anything that is a product of animals.So we changed our inference from vegan to vegetarian.The speaker’s diction is mostly formal,and their syntax was short.There was some uses of Imagery,such as”gross disgusting animal flesh” and the tone was liking only vegetarian pizza but despise any pizza with meat on it.

Speaker 4:

Pizza is, like, one of the basic food groups, right? I mean, dude, who doesn’t eat pizza? Me and my friends order it like every day. We usually get pepperoni, and it’s great when they are, like, covering the whole top! Dude, hot steamy pizza dripping with cheese and loaded with pepperoni is awesome.

On Speaker 4 we inferred that they were a teenager due to their informal diction and their simple and short syntax.And there are also uses of imagery such as”hot steamy pizza dripping with cheese.”And their tone was liking pizza.


In this Cycle’s lesson I learned about  how a person’s use of words and style is able to help us learn more about that person.And how everyone has their own unique “Voice” and we are able to find that “Voice” though using the Elements of Style which are Diction,Syntax,Imagery and Tone.The reason why we learned this is because,learning how to analyze a piece of writing and what the author’s attitude on a subject can help us gain a better understanding of the text in general and help us be better readers.I can use what I learned in the lesson to help me be a better reader as knowing how to analyze a piece of write and learning about the author can help me better understand what I am reading.

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