Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Blog #19

Modern Mythology
Jason Chen PD1

Aim: How can we explore cosmology and compare its theories to Greek mythological stories of creation?

Science of Creation
It was theorized that the universe was created from a singularity of massive density that expanded and formed all the stars and galaxies. Atomic theory predicts that all living objects are made from tiny particles called atoms that create organic molecules. The Theory of Evolution states that cycles of Autocatalytic sets and Natural Selection help to create life. To investigate the beginning of life we find evidence in Archeology by digging up the past and Astronomy to look at what's out there.

The Ancient Universe
The Geocentric model created by Greek astronomer Ptolemy, was based on the fact that Earth is at the centre with all the other planets and stars orbiting it.

Scientific Revolution
The Heliocentric model has become the accepted model with the sun at the centre of the solar system with other planets orbiting it.

The Modern Model of the Universe
Astronomer, Edwin Hubble concluded that galaxies appeared to be moving away from the Milky Way using his detailed observations of the redshift in neighbouring galaxies.

Drake Equation
This equation was hypothetically used to predict the possibility of intelligent life forms out in the observable universe.

Known Universe
Using new technology we are able to discover galaxies and planets out in the universe but only in the shape of an hourglass due to the interference caused by the pancake-shaped stars of the Milky Way. The universe is constantly expanding and is constantly expanding outside of our observable universe preventing us from seeing the very start of the universe.

From today's lesson, we were able to gain insight into scientific theories that help us to visualize the universe and possible theories of creation. From what we learned we are able to relate back some of these ideas to Greek mythology, and their stories of creations. As we explored in previous lessons we found similarities between the Big Bang Theory and the Greek story of creation in that they both begin with nothingness and form the universe out of nothing. Greek mythology fails to explore outside into the universe similar to how we are unable to actually view pictures of our galaxy or universe but instead have to create models and predictions. This is also representative of how in myth many of the humans were unable to physically see the true form of the gods but are given signs of their existence.

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