Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Modern Mythology 2020

Blog #12
Andrew Ou Period 1 

Aim: How does Greek mythology highlight the values, principles, and apex of human-kind?

Today we started the class with a ten-minute quiz on the pages we were assigned from the book Mythology by Edith hamilton. Shortly after we played kahoot in our teams. The kahoot was on the mythology book. We learned how Edith Hamilton defines Mythology.
After we talked about how Edith Hamilton defines mythology we moved on to how Zeus cared for the people. In class, we discussed that Zeus began to recognize the needs of the people. He became the father of the people and he intervened a lot to help and save the innocent.

Group Work: 
Aristotle wrote about mythology "Excellence, much labored for by the race of mortals"
1. According to what we've read thus far, what does "excellence embody"?
2. What does "excellence" not include?
3. Why did the Greeks make the gods in their own image?
4. How does this differ in perception to ancient Egypt? How does it actually share a philosophy?
5. How do contemporary religions mimic the mythology of ancient Greece?

Today's lesson was important because we learned the beginnings of mythology. By learning this we can appreciate the life of the ancient Greeks more. For example, we learned how some Greek gods such as Zeus were extremely caring to the people. 

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