Thursday, October 3, 2019

Modern Mythology 2020 Blog #13

Modern Mythology 2020 Blog #13
James Pannone
Period 1


Today in class we went over qualities that were addressed in yesterday’s reading. We then had to rank them from most to least important from your personal perspective. Next we discussed our top 5 answers and compared with our group and class. My group had very similar top 5s with at least three the same for between each of us. Then we tried to see if we could find opposites or antonyms for each term we listed. After we discussed it answers we, asked questions about the reading. We talked about how every God/Goddess was described as gorgeous or handsome except for one, Hephaestus. A question of how the Gods personalities were brought up and how some gods were said to have no personalities. How could Hades, the god of the underworld, not be a mean guy? Well, he didn't wrong people. He only righted what they wronged, even if it was too cruel, it was his job and was what they deserved. 

So today, I learned how, the Gods were described in the homework. They were given admirable qualities that we ourselves wished we had. When we were asked to list the top five traits, most of our lists were what we wished we had ourselves, not what we seemed to possess. This shows how aside from how we learned that great ways in which the Gods were looked up to, but we learned a bit about ourselves, and our values. Making the list in order, and then finding sets of antonyms, showed us how loosely related the traits are. They fall into each other in both sides of the spectrum. Using this information, it will help with further readings of the gods, looking at their personalities as discussed in class and the novel. I'll be able to pin point how their descriptions match their actions, and other peoples actions towards them. 

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