Thursday, January 14, 2021

Blogger #17 - Tim Liu - Period 5 Day B - 12/1/20

  Freshman Lit 2021

RL: 9-11 Land of the Dead, The Sirens, Scylla & Charybdis- Allusion

Lesson 9: Land of the dead

During this lesson I learned the different way people do after someone they knew had died. I learned the way they did it was affected by their religion or beliefs. According to the Odyssey, after someone was dead and buried then their soul moved to the underworld which was ruled by Hades the God of Darkness and Death. There are three places in the underworld including Tartarus(Painful and scary place) in which the Titans and criminals are imprisoned. The Oblivion the Elysian Fields(Chill and Beautiful place) was for souls that was for the heroes and the one that did goods. And the three places(Half-good Half-bad) were for the people between the bad and the good. The only way to the underworld was going through the long river. If you had a coin on your burial you are the only person to ride the boat. The person without any coin in their burial will take them 100 years to walk to the underworld. The underworld was guarded by the three-headed dog Cerberus(Hades pet).

Lesson 10: The Sirens

The sirens are interesting creatures and they were the daughter of the River god and the muse Mel Palma. The sirens weren't aggressive and they were beautiful. And again this was a myth from the Greek mythology. The Sirens had these wings and looked like a human-bird and related to the Mermaid. The reason they look like a human-bird. The story was when Hades the god of the underworld abducts Persephone, the goddess and the daughter of Demeter who was upset and turned the nymphs into Sirens. The Siren had something more special: the music they make causes people to admire. Once humans get admire by it the people will start to unexpectedly start to kill themselves. The two known heroes to survive it was Orpheus and Odysseus.

Lesson 11: Scylla & Charybdis

Both Scylla and Charybdis were both in the Greek Mythology and now a sea monster. The reason they were turned into a sea monster was because of the gods. Now all they could do as a sea monster was to attack ships. The story of Scylla is when Glaucus started chasing her but Scylla ran away because she didn't love him. Glaucus wishes for a love potion which he begins to ask Circe the goddesses of magic to help him. As Glaucus finished telling their story Circe fell in love and started to poison Scylla. The poison was so cruel that it turned Scylla into a terrible looking monster. Charybdis on the other hand was the daughter of Poseidon and Gaia. She was different from Scylla since she was punished. She helped her father Poseidon who was the God of the Sea and Horses to flood lands. Since she stole Hercules'(A Greek Hero) cattle Zeus the God of the Sky and Thunder made her sucks water and vomit it out every year.


Allusion: Finding two things you recognize in one thing

Trolley Problem: It is a situation of you rather saving a group of people or one person.

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