Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Blogger #4 - Raymond Chen - 1/4/21 - Period 2 - Day A

RL : 9 Aim: How does the episode of "The Land of the Dead" further our understanding of Odysseus as the epic hero?

Slide 1 - We started this lesson with a “Do Now” which was a class discussion where we discussed some of the cultural traditions that we used to honor the dead. We talked about how there were holidays to honor the dead like Chuseok which is celebrated in South Korea or another holiday which was El Día de Los Muertos. The second part of the discussion was where we discussed what we and our family did as a tradition to honor the dead. For example, some of us would wear white clothing to honor the dead and have a pair of chopsticks stick up right into a rice bowl. Another tradition could've been Cinco De Mayo which was a holiday that honored the soldiers who were at war with the French.

After discussing how people around the world would honor the dead we move on to Death and the Underworld. We talked about how the Greeks believed that if one dies, their soul would make their journey to the underworld. The second thing we discussed was the Underworld was located deep underneath the earth with a rule called Hades. The third detail we would discuss was that the soul was allowed to choose a punishment or a state of bliss depending on the choices they made in the living. The fourth detail we discussed was how at the end, three judges would decide the soul’s fate. The last detail was about how the soul would either go to Elysium or be punished and be sent to Tartarus.

After the discussion about Death and the underworld, we move on to a video. The video talked about the process to go into the underworld where people had to be buried and have a coin on there or in between their teeth to ride the boat to the judgment place. If they did not follow the steps above, they would have to wander for 100 years and get permission to enter. Once they get to the judgment stage, the three judges Minos, Aeacus, and Rhadamanthys would judge the soul to either go to the Elysian field of the underworld.

Slide 2 -  In the second slide, we discussed how the Greeks Honored and Remembered the Dead. The Greeks would hold ceremonies. A proper burial was necessary for the ceremony. If there wasn't a proper burial, the soul would be trapped between the living and the dead. Another factor of death was how the dead continues its existence through being remembered. If one is to forget to remember and honor the dead, they would be considered impious.

Slide 3 - We then read the Odysseus book “The land of the dead” which was about After his experience with Circe, Odysseus takes after her commands and voyages to the arrival of the dead to inquire the dead prophet Tiresias to anticipate his trip domestically. As Odysseus made the blood give up, spirits started to swarm the give up and Odysseus had to keep them at narrows.   

Class Question Analyst

1. It can be deduced that the Ancient Greeks did a lot of sacrifices that involved butchering animals and offering them to divine beings. It was widely believed that doing so would help the underworld.

2. Elpenor would like Odysseus to honor him by giving him a burial. This reflects Greek traditions since it is asked of individuals to treat the perished with regard.

3. After seeing Elpenor and Anticlea in the Underworld, Odysseus responded with pity. A major characteristic that was shown is sympathy. Odysseus felt especially bad for Anticlea because he wasn't by her side when she was dying.

4. The path that Odysseus needs to take to avoid Poseidon's fury is very unsafe. Everyone must restrain themselves from making the wrong decisions. Thus, Odysseus must be an authoritative leader that his men will treat with regard. To settle Poseidon's wrath, he must make plenty of offerings to make up for hurting his son.

This lesson taught about how Oddyeseus visited the land of the dead and the process of going there. I learned this because learning about this is a critical part of Odysseus' complete story and I will be able to use this lesson to further my understanding of Odysseus’s journey.

RL 10 : Aim: How does Odysseus' strategic leadership further characterize him as an epic hero in "The Sirens" episode of Homer's Odyssey?

Slide 1 - We started the lesson with the question “ How would you define the term “flattery”? Review the “3” Morals of Aesop’s Fable.  What do you believe the morals advise? “ The class would answer this question and discuss it. The class talked about the concept of flattery and characterized it as the act of praising others for one possesses an advantage.

After discussing the question, we then move on to Odysseus and the Sirens. The Sirens were seductive creatures where they lure sailors with their singing. After the sailors hear the Sirens song, the ship would crash and sink. The Sirens are known to be half-human and half-bird.

 We then read about the advice Circe gave to Odysseus which was how Odysseus should put Bee’s wax into his men’s ear so they won’t hear the singing from the Sirens. Odysseus wanted to hear the Sirens himself so he decided to tie himself to the mast of the boat; which allowed him to hear the Siren’s singing.

We then watched a video about the Sirens. They were originally Nymphs but were punished because they allowed Persephone to be abducted. They would lure sailors with their singing and the sailor would drown in the deep blue ocean.

Slide 2 - We then would read the passage “ The Sirens “ which was about how Odysseus’s curiosity causes him to want to listen to Siren's music. He would receive advice from Circe which he passed on to his mens to use beeswax on their ears to not be able to hear the music the Sirens sang. This meant they were not able to be lured in from the Siren’s singing. Odysseus was binded to the mast of the ship which allowed him to listen to Siren's song without the crew crashing.

Class Question Analyst

1. After everyone has endured so many difficulties, Odysseus can’t believe that he has to tell his men that there is added danger ahead. 

2. Odysseus notifies the men about Circe’s guess to prepare them for the future. He wants them to be aware of the challenges to expect. Odysseus is a transparent leader that doesn’t want to put his men in danger. Not giving them a heads up about the Sirens would cause the likeliness of their success to fade. Odysseus trusts his companions and is astonishingly selfless. He was willing to sacrifice himself. “I carved a massive cake of beeswax into bits and rolled them in my hands until they softened … Going forward I carried the wax down the line and laid it thick on their ears” shows that Odysseus would go to great heights to protect the lives of his men. 

3. The Sirens are appealing to desire, wisdom, and knowledge. They’re using flattery to boost the men's egos. 

4. Humans are susceptible to a figurative “Siren’s Call” because we enjoy being viewed upon in a positive light. The Sirens interest people by telling them everything they want to listen to, but it can also act as a diversion from reality.

This lesson has taught me how Odysseus was able to fulfill his curiosity by being smart and taking others' advice. This lesson will help for later on Odysseus' stories as it develops himself as a character. I will be able to use this later on in the other stories.

RL 11 : Aim:  How can we evaluate Odysseus’ leadership through his decision-making in his encounter with “Scylla and Charybdis” in Homer’s Odyssey?

Slide 1 - We start this lesson with a class discussion question which is (What would influence your decision if you had to make a choice according to “The Trolley Problem?”) To answer this question, we had to watch a video which was about how you had to make a decision to either make 1 sacrifice to have the other 5 live or the opposite. But then comes another decision where you can save all 6 by pushing down a big person who would stop the train. The thing that would influence my decision is asking the question “Is it right?” What I think is pushing someone is not as right as just changing the tracks of the train which would kill the other person.     VIDEO

We then would read about Scylla which was about a sea monster that lies underneath a dangerous rock. Scyla was opposite to The whirlpool Charybdis. Since Scylla broke Glaucus' heart and filled it with despair, Circe was angry at Scylla and prepared a poison where when Scylla entered the pool she bathed in, she would turn into a frightful monster with six heads.

We then would read about Charybdis which was a female monster that represented in the form of a whirlpool. She would turn into the monster as punishment from Zeus for stealing Hercule’s cattle.

Slide 2 - We would then continue the lesson and read a passage which was called “Scylla and Charybdis”. The pass was about Scylla is a six-headed monster who, when ships pass, swallows one sailor for each head and Charybdis is an enormous whirlpool that threatens to swallow the entire ship. As instructed by Circe, Odysseus holds his course tight against the cliffs of Scylla's lair.

After the passage, we would read about Circe’s Advice. It was about how she offered advice to many. Circe would also have Odysecus make his decision whether to sacrifice six of his men rather than risking all of his men.

We would then talk about allusion which was when something indirectly refers to a historical event or others. 

Unfortunately, we ran out of time which didn’t allow us to complete slide 3.

This lesson taught me how making choices was an important aspect of one's life and where certain things can also influence your decisions. Learning this can help me in the long term where I would have to make a serious decision that may impact my life. This is also usable in real life since like I said before in the last sentence, it can help you make an impactful decision later in life.

Happy New Years and Stay Safe!!

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