Monday, January 4, 2021

Blogger #31 - Jacky Zheng - Period 5 Day B - 12/22/20

 Blog #31 - Jacky Zheng-Period 5 - 12/22/2020-Cycle B

Aim: How do Odysseus’ action in “The Cyclops” support or refute his epic character.

Notes/Discussion for the day

The Do Now from today’s lesson is a question that asks the following, “As previously discussed, the term, ‘Xenia’  is the ancient Greek concept of hospitality, the generosity and courtesy shown to those who are far from home and/or associates of the person bestowing guest-friendship. The rituals of hospitality created and expressed a reciprocal relationship between guest hosts. Therefore, based on your understanding of the term, how important do you believe this attribute or behavior is to exemplify? Why?”.

Classmates were given time to come up with an answer based on their own opinion and use examples they encountered in their own life to support their response. Many classmates agreed that “Xenia” the Greek concept of hospitality is important as they said that they wanted to feel welcomed when invited and also wanted the guest to feel welcomed as well.  Our instructor Ms. Peterson added a comment at the end of the discussion in which she stated a common cliché  people would often hear which is “Treat others the way you want to be treated”. The inclusion of this statement allowed us to realize that the concept of “Xenia” is mutual since  when your guest feels welcomed, you as the host will also feel positive.


We moved onto the second slide in which the slide presents another question that is based on our prior knowledge. The question asks “Reflect on the heroes you have encountered throughout your life, in various forms: literature, movies or TV.  Identify any weaknesses the  hero(es) may have, and explain how it impairs their ability.” This question allows us to realize that a Hero may not necessarily have an immortal body as portrayed in movies and books.  Classmates suggested answers such as emotional weakness and that heroes can not find their own identity.  These can impair the ability of a hero as they can be vulnerable to things other than physical harm. This can impair their decision making causing them to make poor decisions. Odysseus is classified as a Greek hero therefore the addition of this slide is to demonstrate the conflict Odysseus might face in the story.

The next slide explains a technique used by the author of the Odyssey, Homer. The technique that is being discussed in the slide is Homeric simile.  Homeric simile is also known as Epic Similes. Homeric similes are elaborate comparisons , consisting of many lines,  between two different objects using “like”, “as”, “so”, or “just so”.  It is a comparison made between something unfamiliar or strange to the audience and something that is more familiar to them. The difference between Homeric simile  and short simile is that Homeric simile tends to redirect the reader’s attention in unexpected, humorous, gruesome or heroic ways. The Odyssey contains many Homeric similes as the Odyssey is an epic written by Homer. 

The next slide lists reasons why Homer might choose to use this technique. The reason that are listed are following:

-Use object of comparison that were familiar with his audience

-Meant to ensure that you understand the visual that is being shown

-Used to glorify his characters, enrich his text, deepen the readers’ understanding

This slide is included to help the students identify Homeric simile in the Odyssey

The next slide includes two more definitions of literary devices that will be encountered in the Odyssey which are foreshadowing and Hubris.  In summary foreshadowing is the outcome and future event that is suggested by the author before it happens through warning and signs. Foreshadowing can take many forms and can hint at various different types of outcome. However if the outcome is directly stated, it will not be classified as foreshadowing. 

Supplemental link:

On the same slide, Hubris is introduced. Hubris is a Greek term defined as excessive pride or over-confidence. 

Some aspect and  effect of a character with this  listed on the slide are:

  • Can cause character to disregard reality or offending the gods, often leading to their downfall

A character flaw often seen in heroes of classical Greek tragedy 

  • Committing hubris is pretty looked down upon in Ancient Greece. 

Supplemental Link :

After this slide the whole class participated in spirit reading of a section of the Odyssey named “The Cyclops” in which classmates volunteered to read a section of the text and the next person takes on the role as the reader. 

PDF Link:

The section describes Odysseus and his man’s encounter with the cyclops. Odysseus assumes that the cyclop Polyphemus knows and follows the concept of “Xenia” which they do not. Polyphemus is hostile and suspicious of Odysseus and his men when he sees them. The cyclop went so far that he killed a few of Odysseus’ men for food. Odysseus controlled his anger realizing the only way to get out the island was with the help of the cyclops. Cunningly, Odysseus tricked one of cyclop, Polyphemus by offering him wine, making him vulnerable. Then Odysseus and his man created an opening  by stabbing Polyphemus' eye and preventing him from calling for help because he tricked Polyphemus into believing his name is Nohbdy (nobody). Odysseus and his man tied themselves under the rams and when the blinded Polyphemus patted the rams he couldn’t possibly know that it's another trick Odysseus planned out and created an opening for the rams not knowing that he had freed Odysseus and his man. Odysseus who could have returned safely did a surprising action in which he committed hubris. This links back to the previous slide as Odysseus purposely taunted Polyphemus and told him about all his information as he became suddenly arrogant from his victory. This allows Polyphemus to put a curse on Odysseus in which the curse determines Odysseus’ fate which is that he will never return home and that all of his companions will be killed. 

The next slide includes discussion questions which are assigned to be discussed in small groups or “breakout rooms” which consist of 5-6 students working in an independent room. 

1)Based on your understanding of foreshadowing, review lines 153-156.  How is foreshadowing  used, and what exactly is being foreshadowed?

The lines foreshadow that a cyclop will return to find Odysseus and his man inside his place of living. The name of the land suggests that cyclops live there and the line “I knew some towering brute would be upon us soon” furthermore characterizes the unpleasant feature of the cyclops and that something unpleasant will occur if the cyclop found out the presence of Odysseus.

2)What heroic qualities does Odysseus display thus far?

  1. What does the fact that he doesn’t want to attack the Cyclops reveal about his character?

Odysseus displays heroic quality through mainly his great leadership. He is willing to put himself at risk to negotiate with the cyclop Perphemus demonstrating his courage and his influential qualities being able to control his man and carry out a deceptive plan

synchronously despite facing an intimidating supernatural being. Odysseus controlling his anger and does not want to attack the cyclops furthermore reveals his willpower.

3)Refer to line 232-243. How does Homer use figurative language to create imagery? (identify examples and explain their effect)

Homer used figurative language to create imagery within these lines when he said “caught two in his hand like squirming puppies” and “gaping and crunching like a mountain lion” which are both similar to describe how the cyclop Polyphemus is killing his men. The simile is used to describe how the man is defenseless and describes the cyclop as a brute.

4)How should we judge the heroic qualities of Odysseus based on his actions with the cyclops? (Heroic Qualities: Intelligence/Resourcefulness, Strength, Bravery and loyalty, Weakness)

Odysseus' heroic qualities can be judged based on his actions with the cyclops. Odysseus displays intelligence, bravery, and loyalty. His intelligence is used to deceive and trick Polyphemus and his bravery is used when he tried to confront Polyphemus. He does all this only so that his man can escape with him out of the cave.

5)Contrast Polyphemus’ values and the values of Odysseus (hospitality [xenia], respect for the gods, protections for his men). 

  1. Can you identify any qualities/characteristics that both Odysseus and Polyphemus share?

  2. If Odysseus represents civilization, and Polyphemus represents nature,  what do you think Homer is saying about the relation of man to nature?

i. Can you see potential dangers (that are becoming increasingly evident, especially in the modern era) in this position taken by Homer?

Polyphemus’ value includes respect for nature and hostility towards strangers. Odysseus’ values protection  for his man and “Xenia”. Qualities that both Odysseus and Polyphemus share is loyalty. Odysseus is loyal to his crewmate and Polyphemus is loyal to nature and his surroundings. Homer is trying to say that the relation of man to nature is that they often conflict with each other. Mankind often destroys nature for their own benefit and nature sometimes causes diseases and natural disasters which is becoming evident in the modern era.

6)As previously discussed, the story is told through flashback (Odysseus is revealing the past events of his journey), therefore, how has Polyphemus’ curse impacted the course of Odysseus’ future.

Polyphemus’ curse acts like a prophecy  directly telling the reader the outcome of the story and Odysseus’ fate. In the beginning of the story, we already knew that Odysseus will not reach his goal to return home. Polyphemus’ curse further confirmed this.


   This cycle focuses more in-depth on the characterization of Odysseus in the Odyssey. The main characters have very different values compared to others. In this case, Odysseus’ values “Xenia” while Polyphemus doesn’t. This will replay and become significant in other parts of the Odyssey. The cycle especially creates a shocking and contradicting trait of Odysseus which is over-pride. This references back to the slide of Hubris which confirmed many aspects that were listed in the slide. Hubris committed by Odysseus caused a curse to be implemented onto him which will eventually lead to his own misery and downfall which in this case is the loss of his men. The slide about foreshadowing also helped me in understanding Homer’s technique as it helped me identify foreshadows in this section. For example, when Polyphemus closed the cave with the slabs of stone, this is hinting the reader that Odysseus and his man would be trapped and caught. This lesson serves as a foundation for upcoming part of the Odysseus and an introduction to Homer’s style of writing.

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