Sunday, January 3, 2021

Blogger #29 - Youwei Zhen - Period 5 Day B - 12/17/20

 Blogger #29

Youwei (Anthony) Zhen

Period 5

12/17/20 Cycle B

Freshman Lit 2021

Aim: How does “Sailing From Troy” and “The Lotus Eaters” establish Odysseus’ role as a leader?

Do Now: 

Team List

Consider the fact that Odysseus has been trying to return to his home in Ithaca for 10 years. Imagine being away from your home for that long.

  1. What would you miss the most and why.

  2. Why do we have to sayings like the ones below.

Another day, another do-now activity. Ms. Peterson put us all in breakout rooms and had my team and I discuss the do-now. I listened to my teammates respectfully before speaking, obviously. Soon, we returned to the main room and were given the chance to share our responses with the class. I listened to my classmates’ responses, they talked about how they would miss their families and their comfy bed. When it was my turn to share, being the class clown, I talked about how I would miss my bathroom when being away from home for 10 years. Yeah, having a family and a comfy bed is cool and all, but can your toilet wash your butt and dry it as well? I thought so. Ahem. Excuse me. Anyways, back to the topic. For the second question, my thoughts were that the reason we have sayings such as “Homesick”, “Home sweet home” and “There is no place like home” is because of nostalgia. The smell, the objects of the items in your home have formed a strong image in you such that when you do not see or smell them, you feel out of place.

After our class discussion, Ms. Peterson continued with the lesson. She then introduced the two different types of characterization - direct and indirect characterization. Direct characterization is when the author TELLS the reader what they want them to know. For example, if the author wants to express to the readers that a child is angry, the author would state it directly. Indirect characterization is when the author SHOWS the readers a character’s action. For instance, if the author wants to demonstrate that a child is angry, the author would describe the child’s actions, so actions suchs as screaming, stomping, or crying would show the child’s emotions.

Ms. Peterson then showed us the methods for making an indirect characterization, which is STEAL, short for Speech, Thoughts, Effects on others toward the character, Actions and Looks. We then watched a short video on the indirect and direct characterization from the movie Frozen.

For the next classwork activity, we read Sailing from Troy, which described part of an adventure that Odysseus took. In this part of the adventure, Odysseus faced the Lotus Eaters. After reading the excerpt, we were put in breakout groups again to answer some questions. 

After conversing with my group, we decided that there was a strong bond between Odysseus and his home. For instance, from the sentence “I shall not see a place more dear,” we could tell that Odysseus wanted to see his home again. The class then shared their responses and thoughts regarding the problem above. Ms. Peterson then instructed the class to read the “Lotus Eater” and answer the questions with your group.

During the group discussion for this problem, we debated on why Odysseus viewed the Lotus Eaters as something negative rather than positive, and we came up with the conclusion that the Lotus Eater's life seemed too good to be true. People forget their worries and dreams there, which puts them in a state where they do not have a control over their own life. Therefore, it is viewed as something negative for Odysseus, who had his own goal. The following are my responses to the questions above.

  1. In your notes, summarize the key events in "The Lotus Eaters."

Odysseus and his crew sailed near the Island of the Lotus Eaters. Odysseus sent three of his men to the island and after they ate the peace offering the people offered there, they didn't want to leave. Odysseus tied them up and sailed away.

  1. What kind of world do you think the Lotus Eaters live in?

  • Describe the type of lifestyle it is?

  • It is a world where ignorance is bliss. They wouldn't have their own ambitions and hopes/ dreams, it is like a state of unconsciousness.

  1. What do you think Homer is implying about this? (Already answered above.)

  1. Consider the kind of leader Odysseus appears to be in "Sailing from Troy."

  • How do his leadership abilities compare to how he is in "The Lotus Eaters?"

  • Has your opinion of him changed? Why/Why not?

  • Why do you think these events are important to understanding Odysseus' character?

It is a world where ignorance is bliss. They wouldn't have their own ambitions and hopes/ dreams, it is like a state of unconsciousness.

We went back to our main room and each group shared their own answers regarding the problems. Unfortunately, that was the end of the lesson, Ms. Peterson then asked us to answer the aim of the lesson as homework, and so I did:

Aim: How does “Sailing From Troy” and “The Lotus Eaters” establish Odysseus’ role as a leader?

  “Sailing From Troy” and “The Lotus eaters” established Odysseus’ role as a leader by demonstrating the actions and decisions Odysseus had made. For example, through the action of Odysseus rescuing his crewmates from the Lotus Eaters, we could tell he genuinely cares for his crewmates and was selfless. 


(TLDR (Too long didn’t read), AKA wrote too much, didn’t want to read them all):

Ms. Peterson taught us the distinction between direct and indirect characterization with the methods to identify them. We studied excerpt “Sailing From Troy” and identified key elements in the plot such as the action taken by Odysseus and how it reflects his emotions and thoughts for his crewmates. 

(P.S: The class found out about my toilet.)

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