Monday, May 4, 2020

#27-Amanda Wang- Period 2- 5/4/20

We presented our fable projects in class. These are some fables that were shared. 

Presenter: Annie
Moral: Old friends cannot with impunity be sacrificed for new ones. 
Story: The fable begins with a boy and a dog who were the best of friends. One day, the boy adopts a stray cat that is ill. He spends most of his time taking care of the cat that he starts to neglect the dog. A few years later, the cat runs away and the boy and the dog try to find her, but they are unsuccessful. So, the boy attempts to rekindle his relationship with his dog, however, the dog ends up dying of old age a couple days later. 

Presenter: Malak
Moral: Those who suffer the most tend to cry out the least. 
Story: A cub and fawn met each other at a young age and their friendship grew stronger as the years passed. One day, the mother cub encountered a hunter in the forest who had tried to kill her. When informing her cub, it brought him to tears as his father died the same way. Ever since then, the cub never really saw the fawn again and felt betrayed that his friend wasn’t there when he needed him. The cub cried everyday and the mother never smiled. It was not mentioned in the fable, but the cub’s friend was the one that got hit and the mother couldn’t bring herself to tell her son. 

Presenter: Michelle
Moral: Those who, out of vanity, attempt more than they can perform are certain to bring ridicule upon themselves. 
Story: There once lived a bird named Chirpy, who was the most attractive and had a beautiful voice. She was overconfident in herself and believed she was superior among the rest. One afternoon, she announced that she would hold a concert to showcase her voice. However, that evening, no one appeared even as she sang. In the distance, a falcon had noticed her, immediately killing her after she finished her last note. 

Presenter: Jaiden
Moral: Union gives strength. 
Story: In the kitchen of an old cottage, lived a mice community. Their leader was Moses who led the mice on the task of bringing cheese back to their families. One day, Moses was caught by Chester the cat. After the news was heard, the mice decided they needed a new leader. Milo, a small mouse who wanted to prove himself, went on a journey to bring back cheese. However, he was frightened by Chester and retreated. Everyone started to become weaker as days went by. Then, Milo came up with a plan to distract Chester and bring back cheese. His plan worked and the mice realized that they needed to work together. 
Presenter: Mark 
Moral: The simple are easily deceived. 
Story: On a farm lived two dogs named Bright and Bark. In order to make sure that they were not overweight, the farmers gave them a smaller portion of food. One day, Bright was still hungry after his meal and asked Bark for his share, but Bark refused. So Bright convinced Bark that if he planted his treats they would grow into trees and they would have an unlimited amount of food. Bark eventually agreed and planted the treats. Once he was gone, Bright dug up the treats and ate them. 

Blog Content:
Quarantine has been quite boring and working from home is a different experience. Remote learning hasn’t been too difficult since we have a couple of days to complete each assignment. But as someone who has a habit of procrastinating, it can be a little stressful. In school, we had a set schedule for our class, but at home, we have the freedom to plan our day. With this freedom, I think I have learned to manage my time a bit better. I find that I have more time on my hands to do things that I usually don’t have time for, such as cooking and watching shows. I am also able to get a couple more hours of sleep since I don’t have to wake up so early. 

Regarding the coronavirus, although the U.S. has reached over one million cases, the curve is flattening. However, Trump administration estimated that the daily death toll will double in June. Many states and countries are also planning to ease restrictions and relax lockdowns, allowing some restaurants and businesses to resume. But some experts say the U.S. is not ready to reopen. Personally, I am concerned about what may happen in the near future. I hope everyone stays safe and connected with each other. 


Through these presentations, I learned the importance of Aesop’s morals and the life lessons behind them. Fables and morals serve as entertainment, as well as a way to teach society about the rights and wrongs. These stories allow younger readers to understand the challenges they may need to face in the future. 

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