Thursday, May 7, 2020

Blog #30 - Kenny Tung - Period 9 - 5/7/2020

Kenny Tung | PD9 | Blog #30 
07 May 2020 
     ❏ Sophomores 2020 
     ❏ Blogger #31 
AIM: Fable Presentations! 
What did I learn? Today’s lesson was more unique because we presented our fables that depicted an Aesop moral rather than having a normal lesson. I think the big takeaway from all these presentations are the fact that Aesop’s morals from 2000 years ago are still evident in today’s society. One of his most classic morals we all know is “Slow and steady wins the race”, as evident in his Tortoise and the Hare fable. It’s crazy how a notion from two millenniums ago still exists in modern society. Especially in a place like New York where we enjoy rushing to work and even at Staten Island Tech where we want to get things done as quickly as possible while producing high quality work at the same time. Sometimes it’s better to take a step back and take it slow because it’s easier to pay attention to the things when you take it slow. Thus, guaranteeing better quality work. 
Why did I learn it? What I’m about to say is quite cynical but from a very realist perspective. You see, the fact that Aesop morals are still present in today’s world demonstrates that we haven’t learned from our mistakes. One such moral is “if men had all they wished, they would often be ruined”. This concept, made 2000 years ago is very accurate in today’s life. You see, 80 years ago, Hitler tried taking over the world and it worked. But it backfired and it ultimately ruined himself. Now, in today’s society, complacency has become a huge problem. People often are too comfortable in their own positions and they should just be grateful for what they already have. And yet, they still wish for more and thus, may ultimately ruin themselves in the long run. 
How will I use what I learned? I’m gonna use what I learned to just simply make myself a better person. It’s important to realize that many of Aesop’s morals are to teach people lessons and to make them see the world in a different light. 
<> What is it like working from home? 
     It’s certainly different from being at school. Home is supposed to be a place where you relax so it’s weird to be doing a lot of work in a place that gives off the chill vibe. However, I’ve gotten used to it and I’ve made my basement into my “office”, the place I’ve designated for work. Now, whenever I go to my basement it puts me into a school mindset so honestly working from home is now more bearable. 
<> What are you learning about your world/community based on the reactions? 
     I think with everything that's happening and people being forced to stay at home and confined to their own thoughts has caused them to reveal their true colors. In these times we lose our filter because the outside world is what shapes us as people. Without the outside world, we are forced to become who we truly are because that's the only identity we have anymore. I believe that everyone, from the poor to the rich, can learn a lesson to appreciate their normal life more after this quarantine ends. 
<> Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now. 
     I just miss everyone. That is all. I don’t really have much more to say except for that I hope to see everyone soon.

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