Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Blog #41 - Evelyn Jiang - Period 1 - 5/20/2020

Blog #41: Evelyn Jiang, Period 1, May 20th 

Aim: How are ancient Greek values of respect and loyalty for family revealed in the episodes, “Twenty Years Gone…” & “Argus” in Homer’s Odyssey?

Write about your thoughts regarding the reading.
My thoughts of the reading included how Argus’s condition symbolized what the suitors were doing to Odysseus’s wife. They were actively trying to marry her, and when Odysseus returned home, they surrendered and stopped trying to pursue his wife. Argus dies when Odysseus comes back to Ithaca, and this is no coincidence. Much like Odysseus’s wife and son, Argus also stays loyal to him. Odysseus raised Argus, and Argus stays faithful to the memory of him, despite the conditions he is forced into. 

What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
Currently, there are 1.5 million cases of coronavirus in the United States. Despite not much of a sign of the virus slowing down, various states have been reopening, according to The New York Times. States have varying degrees of reopenings, such as Florida, who have their beaches open, and New York, where most of the state isn’t open. Despite coronavirus still being a national threat, there is good news in New York City. There has been a sharp drop in cases and although this may sound like great news, there are still precautions to take. If we get out of quarantine too quickly, we might face another wave of COVID-19.
 Another issue is people with other health issues being reluctant to re-enter hospitals and clinics, because they think that they might be exposed to the virus. This is troublesome because some of these medical issues need to be fixed immediately, such as heart disease. 

Your own personal feelings and thoughts about what is happening right now.
My personal feelings on the current situation are slightly terrified and interested. We are living through a pandemic, and I find it almost unbelievable how this is going to be recorded in a history book. I am extremely grateful to be in the position where I can still afford food and be with my family, and not worrying about paychecks. However, I really do miss my friends, my teachers, and the outside world overall. I find people protesting the lockdown selfish, because this lockdown is for public health and they are worried about very trivial things such as their appearance. The economy will definitely be affected negatively by the coronavirus but I believe that lives are more important. 


I learned what motifs are and how Argus’s death symbolized the suitors’ actions. Motifs are recurring ideas in a text and usually provide some symbolic significance. A motif that is shown in “Part Two” of Homer’s Odyssey is being loyal to one’s memory, especially during one’s absence. Argus was loyal to his memory of Odysseus, remembering how he raised him before he left for war. I learned how motifs are used in literature and how they represent the current situation. For example, Argus dies as soon as Odysseus returns, and this will depict how the suitors will stop trying to marry Odysseus’s wife, since Odysseus is back home. Additionally, Argus was put into horrible conditions while  Odysseus was gone, and this relates to how the suitors were pressuring Odysseus’s wife. I will use this in the future because now I know how to spot motifs and understand that they have underlying messages. To add on, this can also be used to infer what will happen in the story. 

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