May 27, 2020
Cailyn Kitchens
Blog #45
Period 1 Freshman Lit
Aim: How does Homer further develop Odysseus’ characterization as a cunning hero in his exchange with both the suitors and his wife, Penelope?
Do Now: Turn and Talk
Imagine a family member or close friend of yours has disappeared for twenty years.
Do you think you’d be able to maintain your hope and spirits that they would someday return?
Would you assume they were possibly gone forever?
How would you continue to conduct your life in their absence?
To answer the do now, I feel that I wouldn’t be able to maintain my hope and spirits that they would someday return. If my loved one disappeared for twenty years, it would lead me to believe that they died. I would think, how’s it possible that they have been gone for twenty years and aren’t dead if no one has had any contact with them, and no one has seen them? While it would sadden me, I would just assume the worst, and try to conduct life normally. I feel like dwelling on the misfortune would make it hurt more, so I would try to push that person out of my memory and erase all reminders of them.
Today in class we read “The Suitors” and “Penelope” in The Odyssey. In “The Suitors,” Odysseus is disguised as a beggar, and goes inside his home. When he enters, he sees a suitor, Antinous, sitting and eating. Odysseus asks for just a small crust of bread, but this angers Antinous, which causes him to throw a chair at Odysseus’ shoulder. Odysseus then confronts Antinous for his disgraceful action, and is supported by his wife Penelope, her housekeeper Eurynome, and her mistress. Penelope then tells Eumaeus to bring Odysseus to her so she can talk to him and ask if he knows anything about Odysseus.
In the next chapter, “Penelope,” the interaction between Odysseus and Penelope is depicted. Penelope describes the urge from the people of the Ithaca for her to choose a suitor and remarry. Many suitors show up to her door and pressure her. However, Penelope is cunning and has held them off for so long with a weaving trick. She told the suitors that she will choose a new husband when she’s finished weaving a burial shroud for Odysseus’ father, Laertes. In the day she would weave, but at night she would unweave it. Her trick has lasted for three years, but she can’t continue unweaving it, because the maids caught and exposed her. She expresses her longing for Odysseus to come home, and Odysseus, still disguised as a beggar, promises her that he will come home.
The Patience of Penelope, Pre-Raphaelite Muse, 19th Century
To aid our understanding, we also watched a scene from The Odyssey (1997), where Queen Penelope visits disguised Odysseus. This scene really captures the pain Penelope is enduring, and the hope that Odysseus is giving her.
Write about your thoughts regarding the reading.
I found the treatment of Odysseus in “The Suitors” to be very appalling. Antinous saw Odysseus the beggar as a lower ranking social outcast, which made him assume he had the right to be so rude to Odysseus. This is very unfair and unjust, and just because someone has less than you or is poorer than you, you should still be kind and treat them as an equal. Antinous didn’t do that, and was conceited and condescending. I dislike him very much and hope that Odysseus can get revenge on him.
As for my thoughts in “Penelope,” I thought that Odysseus should’ve revealed himself to Penelope. His wife has been loyal to him for twenty years, and hasn’t lost hope yet. It’s not right of him to lie to her and conceal his identity, after being gone for so long he should at least give her the gratification of knowing that he’s alive and ready to go back to his normal life. Additionally, it’s not like she can’t trust him, she proved her loyalty by explaining her large weaving trick, and indicating her longing for him.
What’s it like working from home?
I find that working from home is very peaceful. I can go at my own pace, and be in the comforts of my own home. I can eat whenever I want, I can listen to music while I’m doing my work, and I can see my family more. However, I do miss the school environment. It’s very hard to collaborate with my peers virtually, and talking over text, Zoom, Google Meets, FaceTime, phone calls, etc. is not definitely not the same as talking to them in person. Also, I miss my teachers very much, and I feel that my education and learning has been a little hindered. If you have a question, you can’t just easily raise your hand and ask the teacher, now it’s much harder to communicate and receive guidance.
What are the updates around the world/community regarding the virus?
As of today, May 27, 2020, there have been 1,678,843 confirmed cases of coronavirus according to the CDC. There have also been 99,031 deaths due to coronavirus. Fortunately, the spread of coronavirus is lessening, with mid-Hudson and Long Island regions reopening today, and on May 22 in New York there were less than 100 deaths. On May 25 Governor Cuomo announced that New York state and local governments will provide benefits for the families of essential workers that died while fighting coronavirus. As for the rest of the world, school has resumed in Australia, Japan has lifted its state of emergency, and pools, hotels, and restaurants have opened in Europe.
Today I learned the importance of respect and loyalty. Antinous’ mistreatment of Odysseus teaches readers to always be courteous to others, regardless of social standing. Everyone deserves a certain level of respect and kindness. Penelope’s a true symbol of loyalty, shown resistance to remarriage for twenty years as her heart belongs to Odysseus. The reason why I learned this is because these values are very significant and contribute to the theme of The Odyssey, and to help develop and improve upon my character. I will use what I learned to remember that I should always treat others the way I want to be treated, and even if I face challenges, I should never give up and stay positive.
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