Thursday, May 14, 2020

Blog #37 - Anthony Butsikares - Period 3 - 05/14/2020

Anthony Butsikares
Sophomores 2020
May 14th, 2020
Blog #37
English Pd. 3

Aim: How and why does Winston manage to resist the manipulative power of language and total mob mentality?

Today in class we learned about how manipulation can affect what people in a society believe. For example, language can be used as mind control. For our Do Now, we had to observe 3 kids in our class, and write down what they were doing. Ms. Peterson gave out/took away points from us based on our responses, and whether they were “correct” or not. Responses that didn’t snitch on classmates were seen as bad, making snitches good.
 There are many ways that our minds can be controlled/ we can be manipulated. Some ways include fear and “The use of Fabrication; manipulates people into saying what he wants to hear (places words into someone else’s mouth through false assumptions.)” Both of these tactics basically forced the general population into a state of manipulation.
This connects to the world today as amid the coronavirus pandemic, many people are challenging the rule of authority in many ways. Some people say that the virus is a hoax and a way to let the government control us, and others just want to “give in” and end the lockdown.
 What we believe is what people tell us and what we are told to believe. An example of this that we discussed in class was as follows: 
“Imagine you’re the Mayor for NYC. Create “3” slogans/mottos for NYC, which you believe exemplify doublethink.”

This activity shows how we can be manipulative through our words. The examples that I found were most interesting were: 
  1. The quietest city in the world 
  2. Homelessness is wealth 
  3. Trash is beauty

INGSOC- The English socialist party, the fictional totalitarian government party that occurs in “1984.” The official language is Newspeak, which is english mixed together to bend the truth with obscure wording.
IS STRENGTH”- This shows how manipulation occured by telling people something isn’t how it actually is. For example, “ignorance is strength” shows us that the ruling power was able to keep control because the general population was ignorant and wouldn’t challenge them.

What is it like working from home? 
  • It’s pretty difficult, I find that it's harder because for some activities that we do, I like communicating and sharing my ideas with people, as I get to have my own mindset grow and I expand my horizons. Even though it is challenging, I also find it relaxing, because the deadlines are more lenient and I have  more time to really put effort into my work. I also can always email my teachers if I have questions, and that’s made a huge impact on my work ethic. 
What are you learning about the world/community based on the reactions?
  • I am learning that a lot of people don’t like being cooped up in a single space, and that they also don’t like being lied to. With the government and the mayor constantly pushing back the “ending quarantine” date, I see that the surrounding community is getting impatient and more and more people are going out with better weather. Scientists and researchers are getting worried, because since COVID-19 rates are down right now, more people will be going outside and there might be a second wave. 
Your own personal feelings on what’s happening right now:
  • Personally, I think that it’s very important to slow the spread so that hospitals don’t overcrowd and people don’t die, but I also think we have to open up slowly and soon. It’s important to open up slowly so that infections don’t skyrocket, but we have to do it because the economy is shut down, and many people are losing their jobs.

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