Sunday, May 10, 2020

Blog #33 - Terrence Zhang - Period 3 - 05/07/2020

Terrence Zhang 
Period 3

Aim I: How can students be controlled?
Aim II: How is man conflicted between both the desire to ​conform and the need to be an individual?

What is it like working from home?
 Working from home is far different from working from school. While the workload I get from my online classes is manageable, there is more overall time in my hands, so it fuels procrastination. Also, unlike working in a school, anything I don’t understand I must find myself. If I needed to know something, I must search for it myself. Therefore, it takes a lot more responsibility to work from home than school. 
What are the updates around the world/community around the virus?
 Many states around the US are planning to reopen their businesses. For example, Alabama’s governor Kay Ivey is planning to lift some coronavirus restrictions. As a result, some public buildings like salons and restaurants will begin to reopen. This is all in response to President Trump’s claims that the situation is getting better and that there is no need to worry. He wishes to restart the American economy as soon as possible by slowly reopening the businesses. Also, as a result of recent research, the American government is blaming China on the outbreak of COVID-19. After searching for the origin of the virus, the government claims that the virus was not natural and that it is in fact created in a lab in Wuhan. China denies all evidence of this claim from the US. The final update is that there has been a new mutated strain of the virus found in Europe. Named SARS-CoV-2, it is more infectious but doesn’t seem to be any more fatal than the original virus. It seems to have become the dominant strain in Europe and could have possibly spread to the US already. 
Your own personal feelings and thoughts on what is happening right now.
 While I am happy that many people are following quarantine laws, there are also people who does not understand those laws. By deciding to go outside, they could potentially get infected and infect their own family. In order to truly beat this virus, everyone would have to work together and cooperate with one another in order to stop its spread.

Student Reflection 
What did I learn?
 What I learned during this lesson was the ideas of liberty, freedom, and privacy. I heard my classmates’ opinions regarding these topics. While some say that the government should take away a little bit of our privacy in return for our own safety, others say that they have no right to interfere with what we have. We discussed all of this together in class because these are all the main ideas of George Orwell’s 1984. 

Why did I learn it?
 We went through these ideas in class because it is extremely relevant to our very own lives. In a modern society with mainly everything online, the government could easily access any personal information about us. As a result, this has caused controversy in that governments should not have any ability to take away our privacy. 

How will I use what I learned?
 In our many stories of dystopian societies, they often became what is currently because the people decided not to rise up. In Fahrenheit 451, the citizens didn’t do anything as the government slowly took away books, and any source of individual thought. In Animal Farm, the animals didn’t do anything as Napoleon slowly seized power over the farm. By learning from the mistakes of the characters in those stories, I could prevent such things from becoming a reality in ours. 

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