Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Blog #25 - Evan Qiu - Period 2 - 4/4/21- Day A

 Aim: How can we use the poem, “This is Just to Say” by William Carlos Williams as inspiration for our own poems?

Today’s Lesson

Do Now: Describe a time when you or someone you know did something that was “technically wrong” and you should have felt sorry for it but you didn’t?

The class was given poems to analyze and understand what the author is trying to convey by using figurative language. 

During class we engaged in group work which was annotating a poem to find 2 different literary devices and 1-2 examples of imagery. My group chose the quote “perfectly, gathering the orange leather front the air like a cherished possessions”  . We discussed that this quote is an example of personification because of the way the author writes about the action. The second quote we chose was “a hook shot kisses the rim and hangs there helplessly, but doesn’t drop.” We determined that this second quote expresses both a metaphor and a personification. For the example of imagery my group chose the quote, “and swiveling back to see an orange blur floating perfectly through the net.”  we thought that this quote shows the people looking back on the ball and that it connects to the theme as they score to show how they worked collaboratively. 

After coming back to class we discussed the different forms of creative writing that were expressed in the poem. While sharing the different quotes from the poem really opened my eyes to the wonderful world of poetry that is shown throughout the poem about a simple thing such as basketball. I learned that poetry can turn any simple topic into something greater which expresses emotion through creative writing. 


Today’s lesson, overall, taught me a great deal about poetry. Learning about “This is just to say” poems really inspired me to do my own poems. This lesson taught me how to express my thoughts through the use of creative writing and techniques.

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