Thursday, April 15, 2021

Blogger #7, Hao Chen, 4/15/2021, Period 2, Day A

 Aim How does Edgar Allan Poe’s, “The Bells” convey and reinforce the meaning of the life cycle 

through his choice of poetic sound devices?

The Do now is a team challenge which is to come up with all the bells you remember.

Some words my team come up is Alarm bells,Silver bells,Minecraft bell,School bells,Miniature bells,Liberty bells,Church bells,Grandfather clock bells and Doorbells 

Cacophony comes from the Greek word meaning, “bad sound.”  Or Involving or producing a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds. 

Euphonious: involving sounds that are soothing or pleasant to the ear.

Alliteration: A stylistic device in which consecutive words or words that occur close together in a series all begin with the same first consonant letter or sound

Onomatopoeia: A word which imitates the natural sound of a thing.

Repetition: Repeating words, phrases, lines, or stanzas. Repetition is used to emphasize a feeling or idea, create rhythm, and/or develop a sense of urgency

For the class activity we read the bells by Edgar Allan Poe and analyze it.  For my team we said that the first stanza is cheerful and pleasant because the author uses words like “all heaven seem to twinkle” which are euphonious words. And based on the poem we think that this bell is mostly used for music. For the second stanza we said that it sounds optimistic by using words like delight and happiness. Our team only got to stanza one and two because there was not enough time so I did the rest on my own. The third stanza seems harsh because it uses words like roar,clang and sherik. And stanza 4 sounds like someone being proud of something by using the words glory and paean. But at the same time also sound like something bad is happening by using words like shivering and groan.  I said that the first two stanzas are similar in that they both sounded cheerful and peaceful. While stanza 3 and 4 is rougher than stanza 1 and 2.  I said that the author uses sound devices like cacophony, Euphonious, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia, Repetition, personification to make us picture it in our head.  The poem is symbolically to life because different stanzas sounded like different parts of life and what it is like. 

Today's lesson teaches me information about sound devices, what they mean and how they are used in literature. We learn this because it is important later on when we read more literature.  Information can help me in my own writing and I can use it to make an inference about what the author wants to express.  


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