Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Blogger #25- Mohammed Rahman- Period 7- 3/26/2021- Day C

Aim: How can we use the poem, “This is Just to Say” by William Carlos Williams as inspiration for our own poems?


Describe a time when you or someone you know did something that was “technically wrong” and you should have felt sorry for it but you didn’t.

Students in the class all gave their stories of times as children where they took something or did something bad. As for me I usually feel shameful immediately but there was one time in a game I decided to cheat. I felt happy and laughed at the other guy's misfortune. I regret my actions now and would never do that again.

After the discussion we read a poem.

This poem was written by William C Williams after he ate some plums and wrote a note to his wife about.

Then we were directed to read some variations of this poem. Here are the variations 


 I chopped down the house that you had been saving to live in next summer.

 I am sorry, but it was morning, and I had nothing to do

 and its wooden beams were so inviting.


 I gave away the money that you had been saving to live on for the

 next ten years.

 The man who asked for it was shabby

 and the firm March wind on the porch was so juicy and cold.


 Last evening we went dancing and I broke your leg.

 Forgive me. I was clumsy and

 I wanted you here in the wards, where I am the doctor!

-- Kenneth Koch

We were then challenged to create similar variations of the “This Is Just To Say” poem.

Today’s lesson went over Imagery, a tool for writing. We were also given a video.

Red Room Poetry Object Poetic Device #2: Imagery | ClickView https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxASvORGoG4

Imagery is when weuse certain words to create an image in readers’ heads

Then we were directed to read the poem below.

After analyzing the poem for the Literary devices and imagery we were given an assignment to make a poem. It didn’t need to rhyme but we should consider Literary devices, word choice, it required a title, 20 lines, and an image.


Aim: How has poetic expression evolved in the 21st century?


With your TEAMS discuss the following; Do you believe technology and the 21st century are ruining literature as we know it? Why or why not?

In class we watched a video on Rupi Kaur, a poet that became famous for her poetry Milk and Honey, and The Sun and Her Flowers. She is known for micro poetry, a type of poetry that has no specific rule to it other than it being short. In the video she details over her success and what she did to get there.

Rupi Kaur Reads Timeless from Her Poetry Collection The Sun and Her Flowers


At the end we were challenged to make our own micro poem fitting into the guidelines of a twitter tweet meaning it had to be 280 MAX. This is my poem


This lesson went over imagery which is how we write to create an image in readers’ heads. This can be used in poems or stories and really help create a sense of feeling a mood. We learned this lesson as imagery is a great but simple device instantly adding a special flare or feeling into a poem. I will use this lesson. I will use this lesson to help me in understanding poems, helping me visualize poems, and help me develop a rich and interesting poem.

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