Monday, April 19, 2021

Blogger #1 Ayad Algaithi Period 7 4/19/2021 Day C

 Aim: How does Edgar Allan Poe’s, “The Bells” convey and reinforce the meaning of the life cycle through his choice of poetic sound devices?

The lesson starts and we start it off by giving directions to think of words related to “bell” in our groups. We were split into breakout rooms where we had limited time to think of words. My group had 8 words, “Alarm bells, school bells, doorbells, jingle bells, church bells, big ben, handbells, cowbells” The group with the most words had 14 terms. After the class did a spirit read of a biography of Edgar Allan Poe, “Oh Woe is Poe

After the reading, as a class, we analyzed some images shown in the image above that summarized key things in the life of Edgar Allan Poe. The image with the alcohol shows how Edgar Allan Poe was an alcoholic. The image with the detective refers to the detective stories that he wrote. The raccoon shows one possible cause of death which is rabies. The voting box refers to how Edgar Allan Poe could have been involved in voting fraud. The image with multiple gravestones shows the people in Edgar Allan Poe’s life that died of Tuberculosis.

We then moved to the next slides where the class learned of poetic sound devices that enhance the meaning through sounds

As classwork, we were broken up into breakout rooms with our groups where we had to identify words that are cacophonous and euphonious:

In addition to these sound devices, we learned about other devices as well and watched videos that explained them further for classmates who still didn’t fully grasp the idea of them.

After reviewing our answers that we did in breakout rooms as a class and finished watching the videos about the sound devices we moved on to spirit reading the poem, The Bells” By Edgar Allan Poe. After we finished reading we unfortunately were at the end of the class and did not finish the rest of the class work. We were assigned the following questions for homework that we were to do with our group members.


The main take away that i had from this lesson is learning about the different sound devices and the impact that they have on a poem and how they enhance their meaning, cacophony, euphony, alliteration, onomatopoeia, repetition, and rhyme. We also separately as groups analyzed “The Bells” by Edgar Poe and found out how Edgar used sound devices in his poem to enhance it. Just like how Poe focuses on using sound in this poem because it shapes alot of things such as the mood in the poem.

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