Sunday, November 15, 2020

Blog#4,Artem Bogatko-Period 5,11/10/20 Cycle B


Blog #4,Artem Bogatko-Period 5,11/10/20

Aim: How has poetic expression evolved in the 21st century?


With your TEAMS discuss the following; Do you believe technology and the 21st century are ruining literature as we know it? Why or why not?

Ms.Peterson split us up into break out rooms and gave us some time to answer and discuss the question as a group.In my group we had different opposing views on the question.For example i said that technology is changing literature because we can just search everything up on our phone instead of going to the library. On the other hand Henry Zheng said that technology is actually helping with literature because he said technology is letting us access literature a lot more easily than before since we have phones now.

After the Do Now we watched a quick video.The video was called”Rupi Kaur Reads Timeless from her poetry Collection the sun and her flowers.”The video was showing how Rupi Kaur is talking about her career and what kind of poetry she does.During the video she also reads her piece of poetry called “Timeless” and she explained why she wrote it to the crowd.Her poetry pretty much talks about how she is living her life during her life.

Now we are reading different stanzas  from her book.After this we are now discussing the question “Where can we find poetry?”.While doing this we start reading more stanzas from her book and we go over a couple song lyrics

“You love me, and I love you. Your head hurts, mine does too. And it’s just words and they cut deep but it’s our world, it’s just us two.”



After this we were assigned to a micropoem challenge in which we had three choices.We could either write a poem that was 280 characters that was like a twitter poem or write an instagram kind of poem that could have been short or long,but had to be pleasing to look at.For example this was my poem “Highschool takes a lot of strength and time to complete.

You have to work really hard every day.

You have to be smart in what you are doing to not get bad grades and you have to endure all the hard work that is given to you.

I feel happy when hanging out with friends during school.

That is my happy time because I feel relaxed.

I also love playing soccer so that also gets my mind off work.”

Finally we finished off the lesson by Ms.Peterson giving us directions on what to do for homework. She said we should read the article and answer the three questions under it.

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