Thursday, November 12, 2020

Blogger #4 - Eric Jiang - Period 6 - 11/10/2020 - Day A - Freshman 2021

 Aim: How has poetic expression evolved in the 21st century?

Before class started the teacher did a bit of “house cleaning” and reminded people to blog and told us what to do and how to deal with issues. We also had a bit of technical issues.

With your TEAMS discuss the following; Do you believe technology and the 21st century are ruining literature as we know it? Why or why not?
We were deciding team names before the discussion. My team says it both since it made it more accessible helping literature grow but it also changes literature. And now we are in dead silence waiting for the break out room to end. My classmate said “Technology has both positive and negative effects on literature, but is definitely not ruining it. In terms of negatives, it is harder to be creative when so much literature is online, as you may subconsciously copy. In terms of positives, the media can also provide inspiration in terms of writing topics. In addition, the internet is a readily available source when not sure about certain writing rules, and so the skill in writing may increase. Finally, through the internet it is much easier to get your written pieces out into the world as well as ask for advice, as it is fairly easy to connect to others through it. Actually, I believe the positives outweigh the negatives, so in that way I suppose you can say technology actually improves literature.” My other classmate agrees but another says “Technology is ruining literature in a way in which it doesn't allow it for the exposure of the literature as technology has left many people not wanting to read but it is also beneficial for literature as it renews the stories from classic literature and turns it into a more modern story in forms of tv shows or stories.”

We did a bit of spirit reading and watched a video. It's about a woman called Rupi Kaur who became popular for writing poems in a book called “milk and honey”. We read some poems from the book.  We watched another video. The teacher said you can find poetry on instagram twitter and song lyrics. We learn about epic poetry: A genre of classical poetry; a long narrative poem that is usually about heroic deeds and events that are significant to the culture of the poet. We also learned about micropoetry: Micropoetry is a genre of poetic verse which is characterized by its extreme brevity. In other words, a micropoem is a short poem.Micropoetry is a collective term for a variety of different forms of short poetry. As a poetic artform, it doesn’t really have any rules. Although it does consist of certain forms of short poetry with fixed rules such as haiku, tanka, senryu and gogyohka. There are also no real character length limitations either. The limits are set by the medium with which they are being shared, and also that invisible line where micropoetry becomes a regular length poem. This is why the majority of poems are less than 140 characters (twitter limit), with a maximum of 160 characters (mobile phone limit).

We now do the micropoetry challenge where we have to write a poem less than the twitter character restrictions. We share our poems. some form my classmate is

“I walk

I run

I crawl

I trudge on

through the darkness 

and into the light”

“Be careful


stories told

about rebellion,


be careful


stories of winning, 


they might ignite a fire

and it will not dim”

Mine is 

Life Is sad
But it's not too bad
You can do what you want
You can dream all you want
It's up to you to achieve them
It will not just come
Its alot of work
But it might pay off

We did spirit reading on “Can instagram Make poems sell Again” We didn't

manage to finish the last three questions since we didn't do the reading fast

enough so we are going to do it for homework.

Today I learned a decent amount. I learned that technology can affect literature

which is every old thing and I learned about a person who got famous through

writing a book through the internet. The internet can help litruece but i can ruin it too.

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