Monday, November 16, 2020

Blogger #6, Zihung Chen, Period 9, 11/16/2020, Cycle C

 Today’s Lesson

Aim: How has poetic expression evolved in the 21st century?


With your TEAMS discuss the following; Do you believe technology and the 21st century are ruining literature as we know it? Why or why not? 

Breakout Room

At the beginning of the lesson we were put into breakout groups in groups of 6-8. We were to discuss and answer the do now question with out breakout teammates. Everyone in my breakout room were able to agree that the rise of the internet is not hurting literature at all and could have been possibly helping with the growth and accessibility of literary works such as poems. 

Main Room

We then were able to leave the breakout room and went into the main room to discuss what our breakout room teams discussed. As it turns out then majority of the class and the teacher included were able to concluded that not only is the internet not running literature it is also promoting and making works of literature more popular. 

After the discussion of the do now we were able to do some spirit reading with Rupi Kaur poems. and was able to watch a video about Rupi Kaur’s road to success. Jimmy falcon was the man in the video that asked Rupi Kaur questions about her work and talked with her. It was an enjoyable video with a lot of funny moments that kept the class happy and we were able to learn abit of the reason behind why Rupi Kaur started writing as a hobby and why she decided to chase it professionally.

Rupi Kaur didn't know much english back then so she wasn't able to make friends in school or anywhere else. This caused her to start drawing and writing as a hobby. Needless to say her parents were disappointed with her. She then created poems that people found and enjoyed. She then quit school and start focusing on self publishing as a job because she was tight on money. Some people enjoyed her work so much that even one of her fans tattooed a drawing that Rupi Kaur made on herself. Rupi Kaur was able to comment about this and said the drawing the person tattooed on his arm was bad art.

Video:  Rupi Kaur Reads Timeless from Her Poetry Collection The Sun and Her Flowers



How the internet prompt literacy works

There are many social media outlets that are able to promote poetry and literacy works ranging form audiobooks to online books. Poetry can be found on amazon, instagram, twitter, music videos, youtube, and a bunch of other applications and websites. All of these websites are able to let people all around the world to have access to poetry more easily. We were then as a class spirit read some poems form instagram twitter and even song lyrics. Some types of poetry are epic poetry and micropoems. Epic poems is a genre of classical poetry where a long poem describe deeds that are considered heroic in the writers culture. Micropoems is a genre of poems where people write about 140-280 letters. There is actually no set limit however the limit of the amount of text allowed on a specified platform usually is the limit of a micropoem


Exit ticket

Before we go we were told to write a poem with 140-280 letters. This was known as the #micropoemchallenge


The poem i was able to come up 

Live free

Just to get restrained

Eat food 

Just to get hungry

Make friends

Just for you to part ways

The world doesn't revolve around you
So choose your own destiny

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