Thursday, November 12, 2020

Blogger #4 - Ray Chen - Period 1 - 11/9/2020 - Day A - Freshmen 2021

Blogger #4 - Ray Chen, Period 1 - 11/9/2020 - Day A, Freshmen 2021 

Aim: How has poetic expression evolved in the 21st century?


With your TEAMS discuss the following; Do you believe technology and the 21st century are ruining literature as we know it? Why or why not?

At the beginning of the class, we started by going into breakout rooms with our groups to discuss the question. In my group, we had an argument about whether or not technology and the 21st century is ruining literature. We were split between yes and no. The reason we were split was that now people won’t go and find a book to read. Meanwhile having the technology we have more access to books. In the end, I wrote that technology is and the 21st century is ruining literature because realistically people won’t go and find a book to read and they can do many other things like playing video games, watch youtube, etc… In normal day times, people would prefer to do anything else except for reading a book.

In class today we watched Rupi Kaur on the show starring Jimmy Fallon. In the shows, she talks about how she became to like poems and how she built up her career. In the show, Rupi Kaur talks about how she moved to Canada when she was 5 and how she couldn’t make friends. Since she couldn’t make friends she decided to read books and got interested in poems. When she first published her poetry collection she was broke and had no money. While she was supposed to be studying for her exams she was working on her poems.

Examples of Rupi Kaur’s poem:

In class, we also talked about where we can find poetry. There are many places where you can find poetry like online on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and online ebooks.

The article “Can Instagram Make Poems Sell Again?” it talks about whether or not Instagram can make poems sell again. It talks about Rupi Kaur and Instagram. Rupi Kaur is Instagram’s most loved poet. In the article, people didn’t like Rupi a lot because they feel Rupi is taking attention from other well-deserved poets. People believed that Rupi’s form of poetry is lowbrow or trite. They didn’t believe her poems as a form of art. Others believe that Rupi’s poem is a form of art and that it can relate to younger people.

When class ended, we were told to finish what we didn’t finish in the lesson for homework.


What did I learn?

In class today we learned about different forms of poetry. In poetry today they are short but you are supposed to be able to relate to them. Poetry is also used as a form of expressing your feelings. I also learned that Rupi Kaur didn’t know how to communicate and make friends with others so in her free time she read books and wrote poems.

Why did I learn it?

We learned about this in class as inspiration. If you put the effort in you can do anything. We learned about Rupi Kaur and how she published a book with no money. She put in the time and effort and was able to follow her dreams. Also, poetry is a form of expression so if we need anything to see we can use it by making poems.

How will I use what I learned?

When I have something to say I can use poems to express what I feel. Also if I feel if I want to do something I have to put the effort in and take the risks.

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