Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Blogger #9 - Michelle Chao - Period 5 Cycle B - 11/16/20

 Blogger #9

Michelle Chao

Period 5

11/16/2020  Cycle B

Freshman Lit 2021

Aim: How are metaphors used by writers to send meaning to readers?

Do Now: Complete the following

Love is  …….

Ms. Peterson began our class with the do now. The majority of our class said that love is blind, using a metaphor because we are continuing our poetry lessons.     

Metaphor: The distinct comparison where one thing or idea substitutes for another. It’s a figure of speech that develops a comparison which is different from a simile.

It often uses the form of the verb, “To Be.” and does not use “like” or “as”.

It makes an implicit or hidden comparison and not an explicit one.

An extended metaphor is developed over several lines or throughout a poem.

After that we spirit read “Poetry for Everyday Life” and annotated while reading. It gave different examples of how metaphors were used in different scenarios of everyday life. Then we spirit read “Hope is the Thing with Feathers” and answered the question How does the author utilize the extended metaphor to express a theme or message to the reader?. This poem compares hope to a bird. The bird is always there for you offering you warmth and happiness, without asking for anything in return. It is extremely resilient and is the drive that keeps you going. 

Finally we read the two poems “Mother to Son” and “The Rose That Grew from Concrete”. We read and annotated the two poems identifying what the extended metaphors were and what they represented. In “Mother to Son” Hughes is comparing life to stairs, either a crystal staircase, representing an easy life or a staircase full of tacks and splinters representing a challenging life. The mother is saying that her life wasn’t easy and pretty like a crystal staircase. Her life was difficult with the tacks and splinters in it. In “The Rose That Grew from Concrete” a rose that grew from concrete to a person who is maturing through hardships and accomplishing their dreams. Both poems use an extended metaphor to express the common theme of perseverance and not giving up. The mother is telling her son that it might be hard right now, but keep going because she still is and life wasn’t easy for her. The rose is showing people that even though it was neglected and nobody cared, through hardwork and perseverance it grew out of concrete and achieved its dreams. 

My reflection:

In this lesson I learned that metaphors can take on many shapes and forms. They are commonly used in everyday life and could be short or extended. The reason we learned about metaphors is so that we could use them more in everyday life and be able to identify them more easily. I will use what I learned by using more metaphors in my speech and also when I’m reading poems it will help me better understand what the poem means where the metaphors are.

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