Thursday, November 12, 2020

Blogger #4 - Raymond Chen - Period 2 - 11/09/2020 - Day A

    On the ninth of November 2020, we had an important lesson based on how poetry evolved into the 21st century. As we dive into the lesson, the first thing we do is answer a question that introduces us to the lesson of the day. We were tasked with a question about if the technology was ruining poetry or not. Many of the students in the class explained how technology does not ruin poetry. For example, Max explains how accessing resources like comics, novels, and poetry can easily be accessed online. After the question was answered and everyone shared their opinions, we moved on to a video about a poet author who published his poem book which was received very well. We also read some poems made by her. The author’s name was Rupi Kaur and her book was called “Milk and Honey”. We then move on to another part of the lesson. We talked about how poetry was also on social media like Twitter or Instagram. Poetry appears in song lyrics as well. We then proceed to read through a passage about “Can Instagram make Poems sell again?” This article talks about Kaur’s success which she started from posting poems on Instagram to publishing a whole book. As we finish reading the passage, we run out of time and talk about the homework. We were tasked to write a poem in either twitter style or Instagram style. We were to talk about high school, freshman year, and teenage life. This homework assignment was called  #micropoemchallenge where we could only use the number of characters Twitter or Instagram allows and create a poem.

What have I learned?

I have learned how poetry evolved overtime into something bigger as well as expanded poetry through things like social media and etc.

Why Did I Learn It?

I learned this because poetry's evolution to the 21st Century is something important to the art and this also interests me.

How Will I Use What I Learned?

Since the lesson for today was to show how the poetry evolved and take place on social media, this lesson may be able to help me decipher poems I see on social media. 


Kaur’s Poem

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