Friday, November 13, 2020

Blogger #4: Pinrong Chen (Cynthia), Period 9, 11/12/20, Day C, Freshmen 2021

 Before the Lesson 

Housekeeping: Ms. Peterson reminded the class about blogging, and shared additional information on how to access the blogging website. The upcoming Parent Teacher Conference was mentioned and discussed. Ms. Peterson advised that any areas of confusion is to be discussed in the conversation in the conferences. Assignments and grades are discussed along with how feedback from Ms.Peterson which she mentions will be directly emailed to your SITHS email. Ms. Peterson goes on and answers additional questions students have about grades and assignments, clarifying any confusion and concerns. 

Aim: How has poetic expression evolved in the 21st century?


With your TEAMS discuss the following; Do you believe technology and the 21st century are ruining literature as we know it? Why or why not?

Since the do now is a team discussion, Ms. Peterson puts us in our team breakout rooms giving us a few minutes to discuss the do now. During this time, the team members in each breakout room share their thoughts and opinions on whether or not they believe technology and the 21st century are ruining literature. Returning to the main meeting session from breakout rooms, Ms. Peterson asks us to share our thoughts on the do now question. Participants were free to call on other students to share and comment. Several students share their opinions on the do now, all along the same lines. All the students that shared agreed that technology and the 21st century are not ruining literature and that it is a great source of communication for many different ideas to be shared and expressed. 

After sharing our thoughts and going over the do now, we went on to spirit reading. After reading the short text that introduced us to Rupi Kaur and her work with poetry, we watch a video titled “Rupi Kaur Reads Timeless from Her Poetry Collection The Sun and Her Flowers”. In the video, Rupi Kaur discusses her self-published book, “Milk and Honey” and how that came to be. Rupi Kaur shares her story on how she self-published the book while she was a student, and how it all started when she went to open mics and got audiences of readers that asked for information on buying her book. Rupi Kaur also reads the piece “Timeless” from her book “The Sun and Her Flowers”. 

Video Link: 

After watching the video, we read a couple of snippets from Rupi Kaur’s book “Milk and Honey”. Following the reading of the snippets from the book, we watched a video titled, “Rupi Kaur | reading from Milk and Honey” which is a reading of an excerpt from the book. 



Video Link: 

Next, we got to read some poetry found on Instagram and Twitter. Additionally, we read some song lyrics. The goal here for reading all these poetry is to realize that poetry is all around you. The next point for discussion was Epic Poetry and Micropoetry. 

Definitions in the lesson for the types of poetry mentioned are: 

Epic Poetry: A genre of classical poetry; a long narrative poem that is usually about heroic deeds and events that are significant to the culture of the poet. 

Micropoetry: Micropoetry is a genre of poetic verse which is characterized by its extreme brevity. In other words, a micropoem is a short poem.

Following the introduction to micropoetry, Ms. Peterson gives us so time to come up with our own micropoetry. We were free to use the wordpool we had previously created for homework for inspiration to come up with a poem for either Twitter or Instagram. The challenge mode on a poem for twitter was to create a poem with 140 characters for original Twitter restrictions. The challenge mode, for a poem on instagram was  an aesthetically pleasing or intriguing poem about 1 of the given topics, which were #highschool, #freshmanyear, and #teenagelife. I chose to write a poem for instagram on the topic of #teenagelife. After some time to write our own poems, a few students shared their poems that they came up with. 

Lastly, as a class, we read an article by John Maher called “Can Instagram Make Poems Sell Again? In this article, both negative and positive reviews of Rupi Kaur’s poetry work are shared, ideas of poetry itself are also discussed.  


Homework: Complete the questions at the bottom of the lesson document on the article “Can Instagram Make Poems Sell Again?” Textual evidence is to be provided in the responses.  

Reflection: In today’s lesson, I learned more about the topic of poetry and micropoems along with the impact of technology and social media. Today, we looked into the topic of how technology and the media are able to extend advances towards communication and success. With technology and social media, small simple ideas can spread and grow into large collections of diverse opinions on a topic. This brings a deeper understanding of how the media works. I was able to read some poetry from Rupi Kaur’s book “Milk and Honey” and more poetry from the media. I was also able to learn about Rupi Kaur’s story on her rise to success. I was able to not only learn about micropoems, but I also had the experience of writing one myself. Additionally, a point of realization that Ms. Peterson had mentioned is that poetry is all around us, and it really is. The deeper understanding here that I can convey is that poetry is a way to freely express, possibly anything, can turn into poetry if you look just a little deeper into the formation for it. To sum it up, how I can use the knowledge I had obtained from today’s lesson would basically be me applying it to life everyday. There can be points and thoughts made about how the world works or just on a simple idea of poems and ways to express. Much of what we can learn from today’s lesson could be applied to life, it is about perception.

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