Sunday, November 15, 2020

Blogger #6, Noah Boyle, Period 5, 11/15/2020, Day B

 Blogger #6 (Noah Boyle)

Aim: How has poetic expression evolved in the 21st century?

Do now: Team Discussions

How do we feel that technology and the 21st century are ruining literature as we know it? Why or why not?

We (my team) determined that technology in the 21st century hasn’t ruined literature. In fact, it helps make it more accessible. Even though we aren’t making as many classics, we still are reading literature. Everyday, we’re seeing literature through advertisements, or social media posts. You can listen to music, audiobooks, and literature wherever you want to. The technology of the 21st century has evolved literature, rather than ruining it. 

As a class, the general answer was that technology and the 21st century isn’t ruining literature. We determined that it helps make literature more accessible to everyone. However, a negative factor is that different interpretations of literature don’t capture the essence of the original form.

Something we learned from this discussion is that spelling is a gene. This ties to technology because we were discussing autocorrect. People can become so reliant on autocorrect that they forget how to spell, however, some people can’t spell.

We then learned about Rupi Kaur, a micro poet, who self published her own book. She moved to Canada at the age of 4 and couldn’t talk, so she drew. People loved her poems and her drawings, and she decided to write, and publish her own book. Her book became a success, and now we are about to read poems by her. 

The poems we read were from her book Milk and Honey. They deal with the concepts of pain, but also how to deal with them. In these poems, the reader is portraying themselves as things that can impact others' lives. 

We had a discussion as to where we can find poetry in our lives. We concluded that we can find poetry from social media, such as Instagram, and twitter. Also, poetry can be found in song lyrics.

Epic poetry is a genre of classical poetry. It is usually long, and tells about heroic deeds and events that were significant to people of the past. 

Micro poetry is a term for a variety of different forms of short poetry. It doesn’t have any rule, but does consist of forms of poetry such as haiku, tanka, senryu, and gogyohka. There is no limitation to the lengths of the poems. They can be commonly found on social media platforms. 

We are given the challenge of creating our own micro-poems. We split into breakout rooms, and began our work, unfortunately, we weren’t able to share. Technically we were, and only I shared. So, below, I will write my poem:


I do not view high school as a problem,

but more as an opportunity. 

You’re dubbed as a newbie, a freshman.

But I will show my true self,

and be dubbed a Fresh-Man.

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