Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Blog #1- Malak Abdelhakim- Period 2- 2/4/20

Malak Abdelhakim Pd 2
Sophomores 2020
Blog #1

Aim: Why are the terms, “equality”, “rights” and “alike” important to society?

Do Now: 
Class Discussion #1

Why do you believe that “equality” has been the “hot topic” of discussion in society? Why do you believe that society is so concerned with the equality of people?

  • Equality is a hot topic because it gives people a false sense of belonging.
  • The same people who advocate for equality are the ones fighting for it; it’s also possible that they just feel they’re on top of others.
  • Many are hypocrites; some just want it because they just think it’s the right thing to do, or maybe they’ll just get something out of it.
  • Panacea - something that can be used as a cure or a solution.

Group Questions

Agree/Disagree: Life in the USA would be perfect if everyone were totally equal. Why?

  • Total equality might have different outcomes; there will always be those who want more, or those who work harder than others, but get the same outcome, which will eventually lead to disorder in a society.

You are designing a society in which everyone is equal. What are the laws?

  • An equal society: everyone has equal opportunity as long as they deserve it or work for it.
  • It’s almost impossible to create an equal society, because everyone has so many different needs; equal society doesn’t equal the best society.

What would you do to help people who were less capable mentally,physically, or socially to “catch up”?

  • The public is provided resources, even if only the minority needs it, so it wouldn’t seem like special treatment.

What problems can you foresee that might arise in a society with enforced “equality for all”?

  • Without a leader, society would decline fast, because people have a natural instinct of following others or getting influenced by them.
  • It can’t be a complete anarchy because there are too many decisions to be made in government that it would just be too difficult for just people as a whole to control it on their own.

How would you handle those problems?

  • A system of artificial intelligence can be created that sort of acts like a rubric for a person, grading them based on how they work, and paying them an amount that corresponds to that. 

Do you believe that total equality is possible, or would human nature assure that some people would eventually dominate others?

  • Total equality is not very possible, because there will always be power-hungry people
wanting more, or maybe some that work harder than others, yet get the same amount
back. This eventually leads to disorder and chaos in a society, because protests and riots rise up, giving way for rise of power.

Class Discussion #2
  • Everyone is the same means communism; Everyone has rights, but you are still different from others. 
  • You need a higher person in power to control the total equality; this will lead to sharp division of class, which will lead to more chaos; someone being put in charge ruins the emphasis on equality that the society was built off of.
  • Laws for society: no social classes; everyone is born in where they are, whether it be the poor farm families or the wealthy middle class, but they can’t interact with one another; merit pay
  • If you give people one thing, you have to give the same to others, so everyone can get the same treatment. However, that way some will end up having more in the end than others.


     I learned that total equality is almost impossible to achieve in a society, just because everyone is so different with varying needs. A totally equal society can be one that’s based on equal opportunity for all. However, there’s a problem with that: not all people work as hard as others in a society, yet they all still get paid the same amount. This will eventually lead to many people rising and starting riots and protests. On the other hand, there will be those who actually want more because of how power-hungry they are, which will also lead to chaos and disorder and people trying to rise to power. All of this helped me to understand that I should learn these aspects about my society because they can be relatable to everyday life, not just government wise. For instance, if my teacher gave a student extra points just to boost his/her grade up a bit, she has to do the same for the rest of the student. However, that still won’t be equal because everyone still has different grades. Everyone is so different that it’s not possible to create a society in which everyone functions the same way unless those people are all the same person. This will help me in future use with understanding society as a whole, as well as understanding my rights in a democracy are still limited, because although we are all considered “free”, that’s just an illusion that everyday society lives in because nobody can truly be “free” or “equal” without there being a consequence. 

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