Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Blog #10- Suyee Htun- Period 2- 2/25/2020

Suyee Htun
Blog #10
Period 3
Aim: By synthesizing diction, tone and characterization, how is “group polarization” and Stoner’s “Risky Shift” demonstrated in the jury room?
Do Now: 
Anonymous response on the question “I wish we could switch teachers every semester”
  • 8 people wanted different teachers to 25 people who did not want different teachers
Anonymous response on the question “I wish I didn’t have Ms.Peterson this semester”
  • Everyone formed their opinion in their mind
People were asked to share out their opinion
  • Most people seemed uneasy and unwilling to share their opinion
  • Why is it so difficult to be the only one who goes against the whole group? 
    • If the topic is not something that u are passionate about, it is not until you are asked to share that you start to back down
    • Some people are more introverted who feel uncomfortable in a place where there are extroverts sharing their opinions
  • Group polarization - when people are in a group, people tend to make more extreme decisions than when they are on their own
  • Video on group polarization
  • Reading 12 Angry Men (pages 52 - end)

From this lesson, I saw how it correlated to the extreme behavior of the jurors in the jury room. Some jurors, such as Juror 3 and Juror 8, had behavior that we would see as absurd and maybe even being unnaturally passionate about this trial. However, according to the theory of group polarization, being in the jury for this case made them have more of a reaction opposed to if they were to decide on their own. In addition, going back to being unable to go against a group, some jurors were unable to go against the group and followed what the rest of the jury decided, such as Juror 6. I noticed while I was reading that he doesn’t have a lot of lines because of his more introverted personality compared to Jurors 3 and 8 who have the most lines because they are more extroverted. In my opinion, Juror 6 could have voiced his opinion more and been surer on his stance had he been on his own, as per the group polarization theory. The presence of extroverted jurors could have made Juror 6 been more silent throughout the play. Furthermore, there was Juror 8 who went against the group and voted not guilty. The group polarization theory could have also played a role here where Juror 8 felt more inclined to want to talk about the trial because of the group setting. Wanting to prove a point, he could have voted not guilty and as a result, taught the jury a lesson about sending a potentially innocent person to death when there is still room for reasonable doubt. I believe this lesson would let me be more aware during group situations and be able to voice my opinion in those situations.

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