Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Blog #6 Xiang Chen Period 2 2/12/20

Xiang Chen Period 2
Blog #6
Aim: how ones characterization contribute to the development of the theme of Justice?
Do Now: Think/ Pair/ Share
How can we define “justice”? How do we know when “justice” has occurred?
  • I would say justice is when a recourse or action is performed in response to someone’s misdeed. Someone’s actions is considered a misdeed based on your definition of misdeed.
  • We would know when justice has occurred when there is an action taken for someone you thought did a misdeed.
False Equivalence fallacy
It’s when you set up two opposing sides of an argument, and make it look like they hold equal weight, when really, they don’t. And presenting both of these views as valid is a logical fallacy, or a “false equivalence.”
False Equivalence: Why it’s so dangerous I Above the Noise

Read Aloud
Act 1 (pages 18-26)

While you read
  • Pick one character
    • Juror 5
  • Review the pages we read, take notes of specific actions or dialogue that demonstrate characterization for the character you chose
    • I- I don’t know
  • Keep a list of these points
  • What conclusion can you draw about this character based on what you’ve noted?
    • He is really soft spoken and doesn’t really have much of an opinion. He goes by what others are saying.
Class Discussion
  • What effect does characterization have on the play?
    • Some people have a short temper and some are calm and composed, so there would be some biases during the trial and there would be a lot of evidence presented to convince people that have biases
  • How does this apply to reality?
    • This doesn’t really apply to reality because there is mild elimination process before the trial starts to eliminate out people that have biases and there wouldn’t really be biases within the trial
Today I learned about false equivalence, justice, and effects of biases and emotions during a trial. False equivalence are often presented in the trial often due to the influence of biases and emotions based on people trying to seek their own justice.
I learned it so I would know that there are many things presented within a trial and there are often many influences pertaining to the verdict, making me want to double check all the information presented and be skeptical.

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