Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Blog #10 - Karen Khvan - Period 1 - 2/25/2020

Karen Khvan                                                                               2/25/2020
Period 1                                                                                   Blogger # 11
 Freshmen Literature 2020

Aim: How has poetic expression evolved in the 21st century?

Do Now: For the do now, we had to discuss with our group whether or not technology and the 21st century are ruining literature. There were many different viewpoints around the teams. Some people said that it was not damaging the literature, but actually helping it, since more people are now gaining access through it and you can discuss it with people all around the world. However, there were also people who said that it is ruining literature, since all of the technology is providing distractions (social media, etc.) which steers us away from literature.

Rupi Kaur: A writer who got famous off of Instagram for writing short poems, and wrote the book milk and honey.

  • The class also discovered that there is poetry everywhere, from instagram to song lyrics to twitter.

Epic Poetry: a genre of classical poetry; a long narrative poem that is usually about heroic deeds and events that are significant to the culture of the poet. 
         Ex: The Odyssey of Homer

Micro poetry: A genre of poetic verse including tweetku (also known as twihaiku, twaiku, or twitter poetry); describes poems of minimal characters in length or design 
        EX: Milk and Honey 

Summary: These two different forms of poetry are forms of literature because they are ways for an author to express themselves and their ideas through their writing, and it will be useful to us students when we make our own poetry books.

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