Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Blog #6 - Kevin Deng- Period 1 - 2/12/2020

February 12th, 2020
Kevin Deng Pd 1

Aim: How can we define the literary value of poetry?

People often falsely believe that poems HAVE to rhyme. This is not the case!
The poems we are working with today are considered to be free verse. The term “free verse”
describes poetry without a fixed pattern of meter and rhyme.

Free Verse- poetry without a fixed pattern of meter and rhyme.

Everyone discussed how poetry was hard because it was something that not
everyone understood and most of the class didn’t like poetry. Not all poems have to rhyme,
but has to have some kind of flow. When reading poetry you read until there is a punctuation.
Poetry according to Pablo Neruda was that poetry is like a journey or is able to reach every
person even though they may be disabled or handicapped,
poetry can still reach them no matter what. In poems there are a
lot of figurative language like personification, similes, hyperboles, paradoxical statements,
metaphors and alliterations to help create an image. 

Reflection: I learned that not all poems have to rhyme and that poems
can be interpreted in many different ways depending on the person. I learned this
because it shows the reader a way to understand poems and how people should
perceive poems and how poems are like for different people. I will use what I learned
today in the future when ever I need to read another poem because it shows me how I
should read the poems and what they may mean. 

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