Monday, February 10, 2020

Blog #3 - Jonathan Birgisson - Period 7 - 2/10/20

Jonathan Birgisson
Period 7
Feb 10th, 2020

How does Kurt Vonnegut Jr.s’ background and choice of literary devices provide greater insight
and clarity to his work, “Harrison Bergeron”?

Do Now: Think/Pair/Share
“Fitting in” is sometimes viewed as a necessity. How can it become a handicap? What can be done to prevent it from becoming one?

  1. Can fitting in be a handicap? you could lose some of yourself, it’s good to have your own ideas.
  2. Even if two people in different places both speak english, these different people in different places speak in their own smaller language called dialects. People in new York may pronounce things differently than people from Boston.
  3. Conflict is a struggle between people and a problem-causer. It can be internal if the conflict comes from the character doubting themself or having to make a decision, external if the character is being attacked by nature. It can also be external if the character is fighting against another person or society as a whole.

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