Friday, February 14, 2020

Blog #8- Ethan Halevi- 2/14/2020- Period 2 Sophomores

Sophomores 2020
Ethan Halevi

Aim: How does prejudice affect the perspectives of the jurors?

Do Now: What can you tell us about these two people?
One is an old man, smiling, I see he is kind and wise, he is wearing a button down shirt, collar is up. One student thought he was a pedophile due to his “creepy eyes,” although I find them more inquisitive than creepy.
The other is a younger man (mid 30s-40s). He has very red cheeks, unkempt mustache. One student mentioned he reminded him of a pedophile due to the mustache. His eyes are wide, he his smiling very oddly. The short V neck and his buck teeth support the previous students observation, as said by another student. His hair is unkempt as well, he is experiencing hair loss.

Group Team Work:
How does prejudice affect our perspective:
Defendant is from the slums, and different people will think of him differently based on that fact, despite the fact that he had no choice where he was born
What role does bias play in our decision-making:
Prejudice, whether based on good looks, race, ethnicity, or gender makes us choose differently in different areas.
In what circumstances is prejudice positive:
In certain circumstances, prejudice can save lives. For most people, most of their prejudice is based off of rational observations. He smells like alcohol therefore he is a drunk, most likely is drunk, and thus is not safe to be around. That is just one example of prejudice that can save lives.

Today I learned that prejudice affects my perception much more than I had originally anticipated. Although it is not yet entirely apparent, I believe prejudice and its effects on people will become a more and more prominent theme throughout the text. After learning this I intend to be more aware of when I have been prejudiced or not.

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