Thursday, February 13, 2020

Blog #7 - Evelyn Jiang- Period 1- 2/13/2020

February 13th, 2020
Evelyn Jiang, Period 1
Aim: What creative approaches can be taken to find ideas for writing poetry?
Do Now: Consider your free-time outside of school, when you’re (hopefully) not procrastinating. What do you like to do & how do you like to spend your time when you’re not studying or working on assignments?
Most of the class liked to game, go on social media, and/or hang out during their free time. 

We read “Poemcrazy”, where the author picks up all of the words that they heard. They demonstrated their inspiration by jotting down their ideas. The words can create a world of wonder for her. 
Much like the author in “Poemcrazy”, we then had to come up with words to convey the same meaning. This was the “Team Word Challenge” where we had to try to come up with synonyms for “to walk or move”. Two teams ended up getting all 26 words, and one team got 50 points after getting all of the words correct. 
  Then, we read and annotate an article called “gas, food, longing”
The article was about how you could evoke feeling by manipulating words and not just directly stating it. I annotated “Saying, “I’m angry,” or “I’m sad,” has little impact. Creating images, I can make you feel how I feel.” This particular quote stood out to me because it shows us that using words to create an image is much more effective than simply saying it. 
 Then, we had the image challenge, where we needed to find an image and write how it made you feel. Some images included pets, such as cats and dogs, and places, like Disneyworld. Since it was a shortened period, we left off half-way through the Image Challenge. 

Reflection: Today, I learned more about poems/poetry and how the use of words can affect it. You don’t always have to say exactly what you mean. Sometimes inspiration can come from words, or even just images. It just depends on how the word or image makes you feel and how you want to share that feeling with the readers. Additionally, you can manipulate language (diction) to convey your thoughts and ideas. 

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