Monday, February 10, 2020

Blog - Terrance Chan- Period 3- 02/10/2020

Terrance Chan

Aim: How does Kurt Vonnegut Jr’s background and choice of literary devices provide greater insight and clarity to his work “Harrison Bergeron”

Do Now: Think/Pair/Share
“Fitting in” is sometimes viewed as a necessity. How can it become a handicap? What can be done to prevent it from becoming one?
  • In many cases, it’s better to stand out than to fit in ex. Job interviews.
  • If you fit in, at some point, you lose individuality, the thing that make you unique.
  • To prevent it from being a handicap, you have to step out of your comfort zone.
  • “There’s a difference between fitting in and belonging” 
  • Fitting in can be negative or positive, everyone could be equal to the best, or they could be equal to the worst, like in the short story “Harrison Bergeron”
Dialect: The spoken language used by a large group of people. Not exactly a special language but a trend in the way they talk.
Conflict: A struggle between opposing forces.
Internal conflict: a struggle that takes place in the mind of a character, right or wrong, good or bad. Devil and angel on your shoulders.
External conflict: A struggle between a character and an external force, natural disasters, other people, societies, etc.

Reading Harrison Bergeron
  1. What are the implications of the opening sentence?
The story starts off by saying everyone was equal but we learn that equal here means equal to the lowest of the low.

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