Friday, February 14, 2020

Blog #6: William Chen: Period 7: 2/13/20

William Chen
Period 7
Feb 13, 2020

Today in class, we continued to read the book “12 Angry Men” 

Aim - How does the theme of “anonymity” affect the mood and tone of 12 Angry Men?

Do Now- In your notebook, COVERING your paper, record what race/ethnicity you believe the defendant is?

I believe this defendant may be Native American due to the knife that was used because the knife was strange and created uniquely.

Answers Do Now:
  • “..i think it might be black or Hispanic because there was not as many African American or Hispanic people in the community..”
  • “.. we’re talking about race so it might be Hispanic..”
  • “.. He could be Native American… it might be in the city in the west ....”
  • “... the knife has an intricate design so it can be Native American because they have unique designs..”

Common Fallacies:
Hasty Generalization: A conclusion made by using not enough reason biased evidence.
False Equivalence: Presenting both sides of the argument and make it look like they hold equal weight but they don't.
Either/Or: A conclusion that complicates the argument and making it only two choices  
Ad Poplum: An emotional appeal that can be both positive and negative feelings to it according to the scenario 
Moral Equivalence: Comparing something minor to something major
Red Herring: A tactic to divert from focusing on the main task

12 Angry Men (Act 2 pages 27-31):
  •  Eight is standing up to against everyone for what he believes an breaks up mob mentality 
  • Nine is now trying to join eight 

Today’s lesson was interesting because 12 Angry Men could relate to Gandhi Civil Disobedience by resembling the different jurors in the passage. The second sentence in the excerpt says that “..smash the head of the man…. get your own head smashed in the progress.” This quote could mean that if one argues with another, they will argue back. This can be applied to juror 3 and 8 who are quarreling with each other. The excerpt relates to 12 Angry Men due to the fact that Gandhi talks about not joining the mob and arguing will not allow one to move on.

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