Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Blog #11- Jason Huang- Period 2- 3/3/2020

Blog #11     Jason Huang   3/3/2020 Period 2     Sophomores 2020

Aim: How can foundational knowledge of history and an author’s experiences add insight to the rationale for their works?

Do Now: Think/Pair/Share
How would you feel if you lived in a society where you worked more than half a day for little pay; under poor working conditions? How would you feel if that society denied or severely limited your education?

  • This seems comparable to American industrial revolution where there was low pay and everyone in a family had to work in order to survive and the working conditions were terrible.

  • I would feel unmotivated with the low pay and terrible working conditions.

  • I would feel depressed knowing that everyday when I go to work, I would be risking my life. If that society denied or severely limited my education, I would feel angry since living in America, I have always had the right to have a proper education.

Group Work: Brief history of communism in Russia
Group Work: About the Author- George Orwell

Class Discussion
Where do you believe a writer gets his/her information/ideas in which to write? Why?

  • I believe that a writer gets inspiration from personal experience and usually are based on prior situations like George Orwell’s animal farm. Animal farm is based off of George Orwell’s experiences to show the true aims and evil of communism.

  • Similarly, artists are like writers and need a way to get information or ideas. From imagination and what people dream. There was once a person who was always sick and spent most of their day in bed. This led to the person to draw what they imagined or dreamed.

From today’s lesson, I learned that history sometimes correlates to the content found in books. From reading passages about communism and George Orwell, I learned that communism will eventually be the reason that George Orwell wrote Animal Farm, in which he sheds light into communism's true aims and method and the dangers of totalitarianism. Furthermore, today’s lesson was taught to the students in order to introduce Animal Farm, a book inspired by previous experiences and history. Additionally, history represents itself in terms of occurring again or in books. Lastly, I will incorporate what I learned to always keep in thought that writers have been inspired by history. Books are made in order to retell history from the point of view of others. 

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