Friday, March 6, 2020

Blog #14- Artem Lavrov- Period 3

Date: 3/6/20
Name: Artem Lavrov 
Pd: 3
Sophmores 2020

Aim: How can we analyze the importance of names, while symbolically analyzing the characters of the novel?

Do Now
Why do you believe we devote so much time and place to importance on the names we create for people/children?
We spend so much time trying to think of a proper name for our children because the child will be stuck with the name for a large portion of their lives and if their name is not a good name or a name they don’t like, that could make their lives miserable. Names could also cause bullying and you are reminded of your name every time you are referred to. 

According to the class, names can shape a person’s future which makes them very important. You can never get rid of them so choosing the wrong name could be a decision that could ruin someone’s life.

Why do you believe authors take so much time and care in naming their characters in their works of literature?

Authors have a strong bond with their characters and names could foreshadow very important things about the character. The names could also be symbolic and give the reader expectations of a character. In a book, a name could change how the reader thinks about a story which makes the names of characters extremely important. 

According to the class, authors use names as allegories which is seen in a lot of animal names in animal farm. One example that was given is about a character named Napoleon, who like his real-life counterpart is also a leader.

Literary Terms Recap

Allegory: A literary device where a character, object, or event represents a symbol that could represent a certain idea.

Characterization: the creation or construction of a fictional character.

Personification: Giving something that isn’t human humanlike qualities.

Baby name Business

After the do now and literary terms recap, students were assigned to read an article about baby names and answer four questions about it. The article was about how important choosing the right name for a baby was and that many people were willing to pay money and spend a lot of time to pick the right name for their baby.

Animal Farm

Chapters 1 and 2 of Animal Farm were supposed to be read by today but not many people checked the syllabus and did it so the animal farm activities for today were canceled. The due date for the chapters was moved to Monday 3/13/20.


Today I learned about how names are very important to people in general and how they can say a lot about a person. Names are so important that people have made businesses on naming people. I learned this about names because most likely in Animal Farm the names will be symbolic and tell us a lot about the character right off the bat. They will be a defining feature of each character and this lesson has told us to recognize the importance of names. I willl use what I have learned to evaluate every single character’s name in Animal Farm and find the hidden meaning behind them.

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