Thursday, March 12, 2020

Blog #16: Wenyan Li: Period 7: 3/11/20

Wednesday March 11 
Winnie Li 
Period 7 
Blog #16 

Aim: How can a comparison of speeches reflect the continued relevance of ideas held in society today?

Do now: Think/Pair/Share 
  1. Why do you believe that when some people speak they seem to grab and maintain the attention of those who are around them?
  •  “Some people they touch upon ideas that others have but are too embarrassed to share themselves” 
  • “Make eye contact and project your voice”
  • “Be confident, in order to make others believe in what you are saying” ”
  1. Why do you believe that a person's words are vital to the message they’re trying to make, and why do we often place so much emphasis on our “choice of words”? 
  • “Don’t use words like ‘like’ and ‘a lot’ and ‘um
  • Choice of words are important as certain words can add to the emotional context of your speech or aid you in capturing the attention of those around you. However, it could also do the same as using the wrong phrase can lead to those around you to misinterpret the message you were trying to give.

  • In today’s lesson we discussed speeches and the qualities that go into them that make them grab and maintain the attention of those listening. This was important as we learned that when speaking you want to be careful with your choice of words as some such as “like” and “um” can become repetitive and take away the impact your speech has on someone. We were able to hear an impactful speech such as I have a Dream by Martin Luther King, Jr. and compare the structure of it with Old Major’s speech in chapter one of Animal Farm. By comparing the structure we were able to see that qualities such as word choice and confidence were both present in the speeches as they allowed the speakers to have an emotional connection with the audience that made them feel drawn to the subject and be inspired by it. 

1 comment:

  1. Through your blog, I was able to recognize how Orwell attempts to make similarities to today's world through Animal Farm. As an example, Martin Luther King's speech stresses the need for equality among the black and white people. Similarly, in Animal Farm, the animals are being controlled by the humans for their benefits only. As a result, they acknowledge the solution of rebellion as seen in Old Major's speech. In both speeches, the use of word choice, confidence, and rhetoric maintain's the audience attention which ultimately influences their mindset for change. How would you apply these characteristics of speeches to your everyday life?
