Thursday, March 5, 2020

Blog #12- Eric Huang- 3/4/2020- Period 2

Aim: How is Animal Farm, by George Orwell a fairy tale, fable, and satirical allegory?
Do Now:
  1. What is it about stories that make both adults and children want to read, retell, or recite them?
    1. Prove a point or teach a lesson
    2. heavy influence for the rest of their lives
    3. Significant moments
    4. Lasting impressions
    5. Funny
  2. Why do you believe stories told to children often stand the test of time?
    1. They are simple and don’t change with society
    2. Real life experiences; becomes more relatable over time

Group Work: What are some elements of a fairy story or fairy tale?
  • Supernatural
  • Hero/villain
  • Lesson/moral
  • Talking to animals

Common elements of fairy tales 
  • Begin with “Once upon a time…”
  • Element of magic
  • Maiden in distress
  • Prince Charming
  • Sentimental ending
  • Happy ending…

Group work: What is the moral of this fable?
  • Slow and steady wins the race

Moral of The Kid and the Wolf
  • In time of dire need, clever thinking is key
  • Outwit your enemy to save your skin

Animal Farm as a Fable
  • Characters are animals each with his/her own personality and human characteristics
  • The animals think, meet, talk, act, fight, disobey, and obey

Allegory- the representation of abstract ideas or principles by characters, figures, or events in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form

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