Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Blog #16 - Eric Lin - Period 9 - 3/10/2020

Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Eric Lin
Period 9
Blog #16

Aim: How can we analyze the importance of names, while symbolically analyzing the characters of the novel?

Do Now: Why might what a person is named matter? Brainstorm the ways your name can impact outcomes. As a result of your thoughts, do you believe that people should change their names if they can yield negative results? Why/Why not? 

  • Names define who you are and you shouldn’t just change it because you don’t like how it sounds… your parents gave it to you for a reason and as a headstart.
  • Your name isn’t just what other people think of it but it reflects who you are and what you do with your name.
  • Your name is part of your identity to some degree but if it is hurting you in some way, you should change it.
  • Your name can relate to your social status. Referring to ‘Lord of the Flies’, Piggy was seen as a burden and couldn’t do anything for himself. No one would listen to what he has to say even with the conch, a symbol of power. 
  • If you have a very strange name, someone looking to see if they want to hire you or accept you into a college might think twice as it can have a negative connotation
  • If a person is able to overcome a challenge, it feels more rewarding than if a person did something when they are fully capable to do it.
  • People have the right to change their names if they want to when they can. It is their choice.
  • Your name might be a factor in what happens in your life but it all comes down to who it is and what they think of your name. 
  • Your name might be from a certain part of the world and racism can affect what happens to you. Changing your name can change what people think of you just from your name. 

    Today we as a class talked about the importance of a name and what our thoughts are about being able to change it at will. People talked about how it defines who someone is and how it can greatly impact what happens in their life. Although people do have the right to change their name in a whim, they should only change it affects them in a negative way and not just because they don’t like how it sounds. It doesn’t matter what others think because it is how you deal with it. I learned about the importance of names because we are about to start reading the book ‘Animal Farm’. In ‘Animal Farm’, the names of the characters really show who they are even before we get to know them through reading. We might have only read one chapter, we are able to find out the personalities of each character. I will use what I learned today and look more into my name. Now, I want to know why I was named “Eric” out of the infinite amount of names out there.

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