Monday, March 9, 2020

Blog #15 - Venuaka Samaraweera - Period 1 - 3/6/20

Blog:   Venuka Samaraweera 3/5/20 Freshman 2020

Aim: How can our knowledge and experience with poetry and poetic techniques ensure the successful
creation of our Poem Anthology Project?

Today, we were being informed and educated on what standards we should meet for the project that was
assigned today. It was specified that we need four poems; each on being a different type, and having the
last be a free-for-all. We learned this to achieve the highest grade that is possible on this assignment.
We can use the information that we received today to get the highest grade as possible while pacing
ourselves on the project that was assigned. We also reviewed time to begin this project and start drafting
on one of our poems that we can place as a part of this project.
Blog: Venuka Samaraweera Freshman 2020 3/6/20

Aim: How can the elevator pitch and consultant protocol provide clarity and feedback for our poem
anthology project?

Today, each member in every group created an elevator pitch and shared it with his or her peers. In the
process of that, each member recorded the feedback they had received. Towards the end of the lesson,
the student is asked how they will use this information to help you in the long run with the student’s
poems. We did this activity to help us create our poems for our poem anthology project and make the
process of creating poems easier. We can use this lesson to also help us achieve the highest grade as
possible on our poem anthology project.

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