Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Blog #12 Eric Konviser Pd 3

Eric Konviser Pd.3                                 Sophomores 2020

Aim: How is Animal Farm, by George Orwell a fairy tale, fable, and satirical allegory?

Do Now: 
What is it about stories that make both adults and children want to read, retell, or recite  them? Why do you believe stories told to children often stand the test of time?
Our class said that stories are told in hopes that the lessons that they may read stand with them for a lifetime. Stories are very appealing because elements that you may not encounter in life can be told in a story. Culture and history can be taught through stories and passed on to generations. Stories have recognizable patterns and in those patterns we find meaning. We use stories to make sense of our world and share that understanding with others by retelling or reciting stories.

What are some elements of a fairy story or fairy tale?
Some elements include supporting characters, a lesson or morale, magical, talking animals.

Common Elements of Fairy Tales:
  • Begins with Once Upon a Time...
  • Element of Magic
  • Maiden in distress
  • Prince Charming
  • Sentimental interest
  • Happy Endings

Fairy Tale: A fairy tale is a type of short story that typically features folkloric fantasy characters, such as dwarves, dragons, elves, fairies etc.

Animal Farm is a Fairy tale because they have talking animals

A fable comments on people’s thinking or actions

Tortoise and the Hare:
  • Tortoise represents patience
  • Morale of Story: Never think too highly of yourself, slow and steady wins the race (the slow but steady tortoise wins the race)
The Kid and the Wolf: (Kid means Goat)
  • Kid asked Wolf to sing a song for the Kid because he knew he would not survive
    • This attracted the hounds that came behind the wolf and began to chase after the wolf
  • Morale of Story: Do not overestimate yourself, if you change who you are to please others you will lose what value most, be determined and keep your goal in mind, In time of dire need, clever thinking is key or outwit your enemy to save yourself

An allegory is:
  • Form of extended metaphor
  • A story with two literal meanings
    • Literal Meaning and Symbolic Meaning

Animal Farm as an Allegory
  • Animal farm = History of Russia (from 1917-1943)

From today’s lesson I was able to grasp the true meaning of a fairy tale and how it relates to our upcoming story “Animal Farm,” by George Orwell. First and foremost, this story may not seem like every other fairy tale, which usually involves magic, dragons or happy endings. Today we pointed out that this story is addressed as a fairy tale because there are talking animals. Furthermore, in today’s class we watched or read different fables that each had its own morale or lesson. Analyzing these stories helped us find the element that should be learned and passed on. This suggests that in Animal Farm there will be some type of morale that we should be able to identify. Later in the lesson, we defined an allegory as a story with two literal reasons. This allowed us to relate it to Animal Farm in which we said that it represents the history of Russia from 1917-1943. This information is useful because as we know during these years Russia was in power by communism which was very focused on the state government specifically. Furthermore, this is important because relating this information allows us to create a setting in which this book is written. All in all, today’s lesson helped connect Animal Farm to a fairy tale, fable and allegory.

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