Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Blog #14- Douaa Labdouni- 3/10/2020- Period 2

 March 10 Douaa Labdouni Period 2
aim: How can we analyze the importance of names, while symbolically analyzing the characters of the novel?
do now: i think that what a person is named matters because that is how they are going to be seen by others for the rest of their lives. that is what everyone will know them as, and therefore it is very important.
your name might impact outcomes if they suggest something negative about you. for example swiper the fox might have a harder time gaining the trust of others than honest abe.

  reflection: today I learned that what's in a name is more than just what other people call you. since it can be used to represent hidden qualities about a character, authors may use the characters names to help the reader understand them better. for example, in animal Farm all of the animals names correlate to their personalities. I will be able to use this new perspective on the author's choice of names for their characters in the future whenever I read a book or story. by analyzing the names of characters I can gain some more insight on their qualities.

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